8 Holiday Marketing Campaign Tips
The holidays hold potential for being the most profitable time of year for many businesses, but without a proper internet marketing strategy, it can also hold the potential to be the most chaotic time of the year.?
The difference between a company that sinks or swims during these merry, yet frantically busy weeks, is whether or not they equip themselves well. In this article we will be discussing eight holiday marketing campaign tips that will set you up for success during the winter season.
1. Get Back to the Basics
Although it can be easy to get carried away with the holiday cheer, it is ultimately best to start small when it comes to your holiday campaigns. This rule of thumb doesn’t just apply to new businesses but established ones as well.?
Sometimes it makes the most sense to return to the basics. For instance, now is not the time to experiment with new approaches. Stick to what works for the holidays and be sure to communicate your promotions and product announcements clearly
Also make sure that you include a secure and simple checkout process. The last thing last-minute shoppers need is a complicated checkout process or limited payment options. Finally, remember that the reputation you have built before the holidays will propel your profits during the most wonderful time of the year.
2. Consider Your Content?
Although you want to avoid overcomplicating your campaigns, you also want to make sure that your content isn’t blending in with every other holiday ad. It’s easy for someone who has decided to do their Christmas shopping online to glaze over your marketing tactics because it’s “just another ad”.?
More than ever before, shoppers are looking for gifts that stick out from the rest, and they’re looking for them online. Keep in mind that content matters, so adding a content strategy element to this year’s holiday marketing can help your sales skyrocket. Consider providing a personalized shopping experience, discount codes and holiday gift guides to steer more traffic in your direction.?
3. Plan Ahead
How many times have you had to use the phrase “all hands on deck” when referring to the hustle and bustle of the holiday season? Probably more times than Santa has said, “Ho, ho, ho.”?
The same applies to your business, no matter how big or small your website may be. Equip yourself and your team with ways to combat any issues that may arise with your site, ads, social media, etc. You will also want to consider amending your team’s training in customer service, order fulfillment and shipping to ensure you can successfully handle the increase in customers and sales.
4. Prepare for Competition
There’s nothing quite like some Christmastime competition. Right now, most businesses are campaigning for the upcoming holiday market. This is why it’s crucial that you get your foot in the door, too.?
Take the time to look around at what other brands are doing and keep your eye on the trends. Your offers need to be the best! This doesn’t always mean the cheapest, but consider ways to expand on your perks such as by offering free shipping, double loyalty points, free gift wrapping, et. Don’t let cart abandonment squash your sales due to the rise in competition!
5. Influencer Strategies
If you are looking for more online foot traffic, try social media marketing. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok are solid avenues for brand promotion during the holiday season. Establish a team that will be able to iron out any kinks via these channels ahead of time so that you can get the most out of online media.?
In addition, creating an influencer strategy will be beneficial throughout the holidays, as well as be a gift that keeps on giving even once Christmas is over.?
6. Refrain from False Urgency?
Remember that the holiday season is just that: a season. Although presenting customers with discounts, giveaways and deadlines can be a useful selling tactic, you don’t want to overdo it. Customer retention is always a priority, and if you are overdoing it with your holiday incentives, your buyers may start to think you are cheap. Avoid devaluing your brand, and focus on creating authentic relationships with your customers, being intentional with your content and keeping your promotions simple.?
7. Remember Your Existing Customers
Speaking of customer retention, there are loyal customers behind every successful business. However, loyalty is a two-way street. Don’t let your returning customers get lost in the chaos of your holiday campaigns. Consider ways to further build upon your relationships with your existing customer base while also creating pathways for new ones.?
8. Donate to a Non-Profit
Christmastime brings out all sorts of emotions such as kindness and gratitude. This is why the holidays are the perfect opportunity for your company to give back. It’s worth considering partnering with a non-profit to make your brand’s mission known to all of your potential and existing customers.?
There are hundreds upon thousands of cause-worthy organizations in need, so if you don’t know where to start, consider partnering with a local organization, or search for one that is relevant to you and your brand. This way, not only will your customers be motivated to support your brand, but also you will be giving them the opportunity to practice “goodwill” during the holiday season.?
Don’t let the holiday rush get the best of your business. Use these tips as a tool in your holiday marketing campaign strategies, and finish off 2021 with a bang!?