8 Hasty Predictions for 2022
2021 has been an eventful year. Now that we've just stepped across the threshold into 2022, there is a general feeling of optimism and hope, but also a degree of uncertainty. Will it be a marked improvement from 2021, or will it be "twenty twenty too"?
Without any scientific evidence or extensive research, here are my hasty predictions for 2022.
1. The Great Migration
No, there will not be an end to the Great Resignation. In fact, it will evolve. Expect a lot of job movement again. Companies who have successfully made the shift to a having a more flexible working arrangement in place will enjoy an influx of new hires, while those who resist the change may see more than a handful of disgruntled employees leave for greener pastures. ?
2. Travel to recover a little bit more
International travel has opened up with Vaccinated Travel Lanes (VTL) in the last half a year or so, and this will likely continue as more countries start to live with COVID-19. It is great news for travelers and the travel industry as people will start travelling more and travel companies will start resuming operations (and even hiring). However, China is not expected to loosen restrictions and deviate from their zero-Covid policy so soon (at least, not in the first half of 2022), and without Chinese travelers, you’re basically missing a huge chunk in revenue.
3. Global Warming and more Natural Disasters
The weather has been rather peculiar in recent years with snow falling where it shouldn’t, floods occurring where there’s normally a drought, and temperatures hitting new highs/lows. With nothing really moving the needle in terms of the fight against Global Warming, these peculiar events will only continue where they have left off.
4. The Age of Electric Vehicles
It is now very common to see an Electric Vehicle (EV) or hybrid cruising in the streets with their distinct high pitch purr. It’s time to get used to that as it will only increase. In Singapore, the prices of the Certificate of Entitlement (CoE) particularly Cat B have increased drastically due to the influx of EVs. Expect this to only increase. Also, expect to see more traditional automobile companies buy into the trend with new models and non-automobile companies try their hand at releasing some models. It is notable that Xiaomi announced not too long ago that they plan to produce EVs. Perhaps we may see other electronic companies pivot in that direction. ???
5. Increased Birth Rate in Singapore
The birth rate (birth rate per 1,000 people) has been on a steady decline in the last couple of years. With everyone slowly coming to terms and getting a better understanding of COVID-19, perhaps we can expect the birth rate to start increasing. It may not reach the birth rate of pre-covid years but it will just slightly buck the downward trend.
COVID-19 Pandemic
6. New COVID-19 variant
Expect more COVID-19 variants to emerge with at least 1 emerging as a Variant of Concern (VOC). This will most likely happen during the colder months.
7. Fully vaccinated definition to be upgraded
Fully vaccinated status will not be defined as having 2 vaccine shots anymore. Some countries already consider having a 3rd shot (booster shot) as fully vaccinated. Most consider 2 doses as fully vaccinated, but with the pandemic looking far from being over, expect “fully vaccinated” to be redefined as having a booster shot within a set number of months with the exception of those who have already recovered from COVID-19.
8. Mandatory vaccination for children
With vaccination (trials) starting for children in many countries, it is only a matter time before it extends to children above 5 years of age. Expect some countries to implement this at least by the second half of the year. However, expect this to be accelerated, should a new Variant of Concern emerge early in the year.
Let's hope for a great year ahead and pray that we move even closer to eradicating COVID-19!