8 Exercises to Get Strong in the Frontal Plane
Erica Suter, Youth Female Athlete Performance Coach
Youth Female Athlete Performance Coach, Coach Education on Youth Female Athlete Performance
It’s Election Day and I’m celebrating by writing a post on frontal plane exercises. I’m a good American citizen, aren’t I?
Don’t get me wrong, I will vote. And I will drink a Bud Light after the deed is done. And maybe listen to some Kenny Chesney.
America. F*ck yeah.
Patriotism aside, let’s dive right in.
The frontal plan is often an overlooked plane of motion in our training programs. Typically, there is an overwhelming amount of saggital plane exercises such as squat, dead lift, push ups, pull ups, lunges, rows, hip bridges, and presses.
Don’t get me wrong, it makes sense that these movements overpower frontal plane work, as many of the “big rock” lifts are performed in the saggital plane.
However, the frontal plane is something we must not ignore. It’s critical for building lateral speed, reducing chance of injury, and improving change of direction of ability in athletes.