8 Days Left To Enter Holloween Costume Contest!
8 days left to submit your entries in our #holloween costume contest!
Dress up as your best rendition of Doc or Zita and send us a selfie in the Fans Of Paul Hollis Author Facebook Group or by email at [email protected].
Entries due by Oct 31st!
First Place: A signed copy of "The Hollow Man" series, a personal thank-you note from the author, [Your Name], and a one-on-one virtual chat with the author.
Second Place: An exclusive "The Hollow Man" merchandise package, including a T-shirt, mug, and a signed bookplate.
Third Place: A digital copy of "The Hollow Man" series and a personalized, handwritten note from the author.
Full details and rules here: https://www.thehollowmanseries.com/halloweencostumecontest.html
#Halloween #costumecontest #TheHollowManSeries