8 Daily Action Steps Crucial to Your Network Marketing Business

8 Daily Action Steps Crucial to Your Network Marketing Business

The following is adapted from Network Marketing Queen.

You are meant to create a wildly successful business in network marketing with ease, energy, and joy. I get that this may seem impossible right now. You may be feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and disconnected from yourself, your business, your earning power, and those you love. You have huge dreams and aspirations, but no idea of how to get there. In fact, your dreams may start to feel more and more impossible to attain.

I assure you, though, it is possible to create an extraordinary life and a successful network marketing business, all while feeling fueled and alive. It will take work, but the path is wide open. Author and network marketing expert Eric Worre has created a list of seven fundamental skills fundamental to success. I like to include an eighth.

Most people in this industry know of these skills and go about them in a certain way, but as a woman, I implement these skills in a different manner than most. I connect with my feminine power to carry out each skill in an energized, fun manner. If you follow these eight daily actions, your business will begin to flourish. 

1. Finding New Prospects

Remember, network marketing is about thinking big! You don’t want to just find new prospects. You want to be very intentional with your prospecting and ultimately find influencers who are well connected, community driven, independent, and coachable. 

You are magnetic, radiant, and attractive, and are only available to work with people who are driven, focused, and committed. This is attraction marketing and remember, you attract who you are. If you are attracting people who aren’t showing up the way you would like them to, it’s time to look at how you are showing up. Become the woman that is your ideal team member.

When you meditate, I suggest you define the exact number of influencers you would like to connect with over the next month. From your place of power, make this a nonnegotiable, and be open to receiving. Listen for the next aligned steps and then take action.

2. Inviting

Once the Universe has put these people in your path, you must have the courage to move forward and invite. To win in this industry, you must harness your power, be willing to get uncomfortable, and be okay with people saying no. Many times no means not yet, and after you follow up with more information and support, that no will turn into a yes. If it is a hard no, remember: SW, SW, SW, SW (Some will, some won’t, so what, someone’s waiting!)

When it comes to inviting, be bold. Invite prospects to a presentation, a three-way call, an in-home presentation, or to view a video you will send them. Make it about serving them, and not about you.

Remember, knowing your desire and then getting into your pleasure and self-love ignites your power and ability to be confident, empowered, and able to take bold action.

3. Presenting

This is a scary one for most people! I know it was for me when I first started. Prior to every presentation, I do meditate. I ask to be an open channel to bless all of the people in the room with whatever it is they need. The more I can get out of my way and be purely of service, the more effortless the message comes through and the more fun I have. Now, I love presenting.

And, it’s okay to be scared! Fear is part of the process. Remember, done is better than perfect. Make mistakes. Say something wrong. It’s okay. Take your power back, be willing to be uncomfortable, and do it—even if it scares you. If you wait to be perfect, you’re never going to win…here or anywhere else in life. The more you present, the easier it will be. You can also present with other team members, or even people cross team in your area, and you’ll feel a greater level of support and ease.

4. Follow-Up

Remember, there is nothing more feminine than connection and community—both of which are integral to success in network marketing. After your presentation, you need to foster connection by following up. 

Harness your power and courage and reach out. Ask what your prospect liked about what they heard and if they have any questions. I love the 2/2/2 rule. Follow up with them two days after you did a presentation or sent them a video. If they are not ready to enroll, follow up two weeks after the event, and then two months after if they have still not enrolled.

Remember, it usually takes between three to seven touches before someone will say yes and be ready to join your team. Add them to your database so you can continue to connect, reach out, and nurture the relationship by adding value to their lives. 

5. Closing

Again, ask your prospect what they liked about the presentation or video you sent them. Ask if they have any questions and answer them or get connected on a three-way call with your upline if you need support. Remember, you are not alone! That is the beauty of this industry, we do it together and support each other to win. But you must know how to ask for support and receive it.

Many women shy away from asking the final question to close, “How would you like to get started?” This can require a greater level of harnessing your power, but remember, you can also make it light and fun! It doesn’t need to be so heavy. Say things like, “Do you want to join our community? Are you ready to play? Do you want to do it? Are you excited to move forward with creating the freedom and success that you desire?”

6. Plugging into the System and Training

It is so important to have the ability to plug your people into good systems and structures in order to better leverage your time. Every company has overarching systems in place to help you and your team grow. As women desiring to make six or seven figures in this industry, we must support our team members in feeling connected and supported. The number one reason why people don’t stay in a company is because they don’t feel loved or cared for enough. 

Network marketing gives us women the opportunity to do what we do best all day long…love on and care for people. All my new team members are welcomed into a Facebook group so they can feel part of the community. I also connect them to a WhatsApp group where we post upcoming calls, trainings, and flyers for events around the world.

7. Promoting Events

It is so important to always promote events. Whether these are small in-home presentations, bigger events in your community, or company conventions—events are the key to building your business. Our society is becoming more technology-driven and less connected, and people have a hunger to come together in the flesh. One of the things I love most about this industry is the ability for people to feel part of something bigger where they are heard, seen, valued, and supported.

One woman on my team is an incredible musician. At the beginning of her events, she plays a song or two to connect with her radiance and magnetism. She then feels more alive and energized as she moves into her presentation. The people who attend are fed by her music and are then more open to receive the information on the products and business opportunity. 

When we bring in more of who we are, and more of what we love to our events, people become more attracted, energized, and compelled to want what it is that we have. 

8. Building a Connected Team Culture

This is your team and you can paint the blank canvas of your business in any way you want. What do you want your team to represent? What’s the culture of your team? Do you have weekly parties or gatherings online or in person? How are you all connected? Is it through a Facebook group or a WhatsApp chat? In network marketing you get to play, have fun, and create a compelling culture for your team. 

Remember, people come for the product or opportunity, but stay for the culture and community. Celebration is a big part of how we see and support each other. Celebrating the people in your company is key to creating a culture that people are proud to be a part of. Publicly recognize people as they achieve rank or goals. Let them know how valued they are. Make it a priority to help them feel connected and part of the community.

Having It All

Playing small is exhausting. When we make the choice to play a bigger game, have incredible impact, show up in our fullness, make the decision to have it all, and then move in action to create our most extraordinary lives, we are so fully fueled, inspired and lit up. 

You can have it all—optimal health and wellness, an exquisite partnership and other extraordinary relationships, an incredible community, a career you love so much that she never wants to retire, and an infinite supply of money to live your life of freedom and contribution. This is all possible for you. It is possible for every woman. 

For more advice on growing your network marketing business, you can find Network Marketing Queen on Amazon. To receive the 6 Bonus Audio Meditations that accompany the book, visit: NetworkMarketingQueen.com

DR. ERIN POLLINGER has been a chiropractor since 1999 and is a life coach supporting women around physical and financial freedom. She leads workshops on Feminine Powered Leadership and hosts international retreats at her center in Costa Rica. Dr. Erin is currently the lead female earner and third top earner in her network marketing company, with no previous experience in the industry. She is also the mother to her beautiful daughter, Willow. Dr. Erin’s passion is supporting women to reclaim their most energized relationships with their bodies, money, and life itself. Network Marketing Queen is her first book.


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