8-D problem solving process
AS13000 – Problem Solving Requirements for Suppliers (8-D) defines the ASEQ requirements for the global aero-engine supply chain. 8-D (“Eight Disciplines”) is a step-by-step problem solving methodology popularized by Ford Motor Company and Toyota in the 1980’s. It identifies and corrects the root causes of undesirable events, as opposed to simply addressing their symptoms.
8-D is a practitioner-led team-orientated problem solving methodology for product and process improvement which is not to be used to tackle minor issues. The process is structured into the 8-Ds steps and emphasizes a cross-functional team synergy and the use of designated quality tools and techniques.
8-D problem solving covers three key stages of the correction and corrective action process –
- act rapidly to put immediate containment action in place to protect the customer (stem-the-flow!)
- find and fix the root cause – including human factors – with a permanent corrective action on all current product
- prevent the recurrence of the problem in the future by identifying and implementing preventive action anywhere possible within the organization
Each of the 8-D steps must be completed, documented and communicated to the customer (when ‘external escapes’ are involved). The 8-D process steps are –
- D0 – start immediate containment actions i.e. ERA (Emergency Response Action)
- D1 – appoint the 8D practitioner who forms the team
- D2 – define/quantify the problem (i.e. 5Ws/How many/How/often)
- D3 – complete and optimize containment actions
- D4 – determine and prove root cause(s) including human factors
- D5 – define and select permanent corrective actions
- D6 – Implement corrective action(s) and check their efficacy
- D7 – standardize and transfer knowledge across the business
- D8 – recognise the team’s contributions – and remember to publicize success
Timelines (AS13000-specific) for undertaking the 8-D process relating to customer issues are –
D0 shall be completed and returned to the customer within 2-days of the problem being identified unless otherwise agreed
D5 shall be completed in a timely manner not to exceed 30-days of the problem being identified unless otherwise agreed
The key-to-success is establishing the true root cause(s). The use of specific quality tools is recommended –
- Fault trees (including Boolean logic)
- Ishikawa diagrams
- 5-Whys
- P-D-C-A
- D-M-A-I-C (for ‘intractable’ problems!)
Used in a systemic manner across the organization, 8-D will dramatically improve performance and boost productivity (right first time, on time, every time, at cost). The disseminating of ‘lessons learned’ to other similar parts and/or processes in D7 will ensure that best practices become custom-and-practice and will remove the ‘blame culture’ and the excuse ‘human error’!
TEC Transnational’s 2-day course is approved by PROBITAS Authentication on behalf of the AESQ. The next ‘public’ event is being held on 20 – 21 January 2020 – check out the details: AS13000 – Problem Solving Requirements for Suppliers