8 COVID-19 vaccines are being tested on humans
The vaccine produced by Oxford University could be ready in six months.
Phase 1 and 2 of the test determine the dose and efficacy of a drug. Researchers are closer to a COVID 19 vaccine than we would expect. There are 8 projects for COVID-19 vaccines that are in Phase 1 and 2 testing, according to a World Health Organization document.
The companies that reached the final race for the vaccine are: CanSino Biological Inc./Beijing Institute of Biotechnology - Phase 1 and 2 testing, Modern / NIAID - Phase 1 and 2 testing, Wuhan Institute of Biological Products / Sinopharm - Phase 1 and 2 test, Beijing Institute of Biological Products / Sinopharm - Phase 1 and 2 test, Sinovac - Phase 1 and 2 test, University of Oxford - Phase 1 and 2 test, BioNTech / Fosun Pharma / Pfizer - Phase 1 and 2 testing, Inovio Pharmaceuticals - Phase 1 testing.
Of the eight companies that are close to a vaccine, four are from China. Two companies are from the USA, one is from Great Britain and another team is a combination of an American, Chinese and German company.
What do stage 1 and 2 clinical trials mean? Phase I trials have as their main objective the determination of the maximum tolerated dose - BAT or the minimum effective dose. The number of subjects is usually reduced below 50. The pharmacological profile of the product (absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and duration of action) is studied and defined. From a methodological point of view, gradually increased dose levels are used, in small groups of patients (usually below 10), until the toxicity reaches a predetermined level or until unexpected toxicity occurs.
Phase II trials - their main purpose is to determine the effectiveness of the product (the response rate of a certain pathological condition to the administration of therapy) and to detect side effects. The number of subjects is between 50-200.
The Chinese company Sinovac will complete the first stage of the study for the first two phases of testing. The date shown in the documents is December 13, 2020. Phases 1 and 2 are followed by stages 3 and 4 when the vaccine can be given to the general population. Globally, there are 4,737,926 cases of COVID 19, and 313,636 have lost their lives to the infection.