8 Bodyweight Exercises You Can Do @ The Office!
The Workout
Below are bodyweight exercises you can do at the office. Grab a colleague, a yoga mat and an open conference room. This simple workout can be done in 30 minutes or less.
Begin this workout with a brisk walk around the office to warm up your body. Perform each exercise for 45 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds. Repeat circuit 3 times.
#1. Push-ups
Start off in a high plank position, ensuring shoulders are stacked over wrists and feet are in line with your hips. Slowly bend at the elbows, keeping them glued to your ribs and fully extend to come back to starting position. Keep your core engaged, your back should be as flat as a table-top the entire time.
Regression: Drop knees on the floor and continue with same movement pattern.
#2. Mountain Climbers
Start off in a high plank position, ensuring shoulders are stacked over wrists and feet are in line with your hips. Drive knees towards chest alternating sides as quickly as you can.
Level 1: If you have a wrist injury or have trouble holding yourself in a plank position, mimic this movement standing up.
#3. Low Plank Hold
Start off laying flat on your stomach. Make sure elbows are stacked under your shoulders and your feet are digging into the ground. Lift off the ground ensuring your back is flat. The longer you hold this position the more likely your form begins to cave, watchout for your hips dropping too low or raising too high.
Level 1: If 20 seconds seems like an eternity, set smaller, more achievable time frames to hold this position. With practice you will build your core strength to last a longer duration.
#4. Russian Twist
Start seated on the ground with knees bent. Slightly lean back to about 45 degrees and lift legs several inches up. Twist torso to the right side and hold this contracted state for about 2 seconds then resume back to the middle. Twist to the left and repeat motion.
Level 1: Keep feet on the floor, still lean back and twist from side to side.
#5. Single Leg Knee Drive
Begin by standing straight and driving the right leg back into a lunge. Quickly bring the right knee up towards your chest (mimicking a high knee) and the momentum will allow you to add a jump. Land softly and repeat motion with the other leg.
Level 1: Try to focus on the movement pattern without adding the jump.
#6. Broad Jump to Quick Feet
Start by standing with your feet hip width apart. Bend at the knees and swing arms back to help spring you forward. Engage the core as you jump. When you land, keep chest lifted and land softly. Quickly run backwards to return to starting position and repeat.
Level 1: Stay in a squat position and take several steps forwards, avoiding the jump portion.
#7. Jump Lunge
Start by standing with your feet shoulder distance apart. Send your right leg back and bend both knees until you reach 90 degrees (back knee should not touch the ground). Jump up and simultaneously switch legs, shooting your left leg back and bring the right leg forward. Land softly and go back down into a 90 degree hold. Repeat.
Level 1: Avoid the jump but instead hold a 90 degree position and pulse for 3 seconds. Bring right leg forward and switch sides.
#8. Squat Jump
Start with feet shoulder width apart. Keeping your chest straight, bend at the knees and pretend you are sitting on a chair. Make sure knees are tracking in line with your toes, knees should never cave in or out. Once in a deep squat spring up and land softly once again in a squat.
Level 1: Similar to the lunge, avoid the jumping and pulse for 3 seconds in your deep squat hold. Fully extend your legs and repeat.
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