8 of the biggest reasons Start Ups fail:
Jasper Basson
Entrepreneur | Accountant | Author | Director at Dryk Holdings | Financial Director at Lead Optimizers | Founder of Entrepreneur SA
8 of the biggest reasons Start Ups fail:
No or little demand for the service of product.
Do demand, no cash
Lack of financial management
Most entrepreneurs live out of the business. Stop this today, and see your business change for the positive.
No control over Accounts receivable, Accounts payable and stock levels.
No dream team in place
A business must have a sound foundation of a dedicated and efficient dream team.
You can never do it alone.
It very tempting to approach a market at a price or fee below the market. This habit alone will kill a startup even before you start it.
Calculate prices or fees properly, and then stick to your guns.
Fear of asking for outstanding money
This something I notice a lot. Entrepreneur that feels guilt or fear to ask for money outstanding.
You should only feel this way, if your service or product was not on standard. Otherwise call and collect. Its well earned.
Lack of internal growth
Our business will never exceed our personal growth.
Our result will never be any higher than the inner work we are willing to do.
Business is not aligned with the purpose of the entrepreneur.
Most start a business with the main objective of making money.
If our main drive is money, we will see problems as road block, and not opportunities.
When its driven by our Ikigai (our passive and purpose) everything we becomes fun. The more fun we have, the more the likeliness to succeed.
Poor marketing and advertising strategies.
Attract above chase
Provide massive value. The market place always reward this. Its not a trade off, its the law of nature.
Forget banner ads, and start adding massive value. Show me exactly who your are.
What points do you have?