#8 Automation Mag: Reverse Automation Bicycles, Watermarked AI Content, Partnerships, UiPath, and OpenAI Insights
The latest rumors, reports, and articles from the process automation and digitalization sectors are all condensed in the eighth issue of the Automation Magazine.
Additionally, we want you to know that this is this year's final issue. After a brief hibernation nap, we will return on January 13 of the following year.
Have fun and leave some feedback! ??
What to expect in this MAG
Please take a look at what we have picked out for you today.
Our news radar shows you where the world of process automation, digitization, and artificial intelligence is currently headed and who is making the biggest waves. ??
Digital Workforce Partners With Robocorp ??
Digital Workforce Services Plc , a company specializing in robotic process automation (RPA), has announced a new partnership with Robocorp , an open-source RPA technology company.
The partnership will allow Digital Workforce to expand its offerings to clients, offering them access to advanced and cost-effective RPA solutions. This strategic alliance will bring together Robocorp's expertise in open-source RPA technology with Digital Workforce's experience in implementing and managing robotic process automation projects.
As part of the partnership, Digital Workforce will provide Robocorp's customers with access to its cloud-based platform, allowing them to create, deploy, and manage their robotic process automation projects.
OpenAI Wants to Watermark AI-generated Content ?
On December 10, 2022, OpenAI , a San Francisco-based AI research company, attempted to use a text-watermarking technique to prevent misuse of AI-generated text.
While the technique was successful in some areas, the company found that it had its limits. OpenAi's technique involved using an AI model to generate a unique digital signature or "watermark" in AI-generated text.
This signature would help identify the source of the text, making it more difficult for text to be misused (e.g. for propaganda) or stolen.
However, the company found that the watermark was only able to identify the source of the text in certain conditions. For example, it was only able to detect the source when the text was used in its original form and not when it was modified.
This limitation highlights the difficulty of protecting AI-generated text from misuse.
UiPath Partners with Orica ??
UiPath , a leading enterprise Robotic Process Automation (RPA) company, announced a global partnership with Orica , a global leader in industrial automation and technology, to help scale application testing and automation capabilities to deliver enterprise-wide process efficiencies.
Under the partnership, Orica will provide UiPath technology, services and support to enable customers to quickly and efficiently automate their processes, from testing to production. UiPath’s RPA platform will enable Orica to help customers reduce manual tasks, automate data entry and enable faster decision-making.
Gartner: Market for Low-Code Dev Tech Will Increase by 20% by 2023
Gartner , a leading research and advisory company, has forecasted that the worldwide low-code development technologies market will grow by 20 percent in 2023.
Low-code development technologies allow businesses to develop and deploy applications using graphical development environments and model-driven processes. This makes app development faster and easier than traditional coding methods.
Gartner predicts that the worldwide low-code development technologies market will reach $15.5 billion by 2023.
They believe that this growth will be driven by an increase in demand from enterprises, as well as the emergence of new vendors and technologies.
Gartner's Senior Director, Van L. Baker, said: "Organizations are under pressure to build digital capabilities quickly and cost-effectively, and low-code development technologies are becoming increasingly important for meeting these needs. The emergence of new vendors and technologies over the next few years will provide organizations with a wider range of options and features."
This content has withstood the test of time and remains relevant and valuable today. ??
Inaugural Market Map of the?Infrastructure Software?Landscape?
PeakSpan Capital has a great software map for
we would like to share with you.
???high res image??
Time for a quick coffee break and some insights into our world at Bots & People. ??
The Department's and IT's Missing Automation Link: Citizen Development
Train your employees to become Citizen Developers in the Automation Academy!
???see course content??
Our community is powered by people, not bots.
Given this, we're spotlighting the most noteworthy contributions made over the past two weeks by the community of automation, AI, and digitalization. ??
Tolani Jaiye-Tikolo: RPA Explained by AI
Tolani Jaiye-Tikolo shows you the possibilities of the famous ChatGPT everyone is talking about and lets the AI explain Robotic Process Automation via different ways.
So if you want to know how Shakespear would explain RPA or the best way to teach the subject to a five year old, check out the posting.
???click to see the posting???
Nico Bitzer: The Reverse Bicycle
Get to know what a reverse bicycle is doing and why Automation, Process, and IT-Leaders should always have it on their mind.
???click to see the posting???
Olivier Gomez: What Automation Really is for
"If you think intelligent automation is just about removing costs from your business by lowering labor costs, then you need to think again.", says Olivier Gomez.
In this posting Olivier is talking about the real reasons for what Process Automation is actually for.
We can only agree with th points made!
???click to see the posting???
Deepen your knowledge with these delicious Brain Snacks.
"Braaaains!" ????
Automation Trends 2023: A Forecast (so You Don't Get Wet)
A new era of automation is about to begin. We're going to witness some significant developments in the use and development of automated systems over the next few years.
See our six most significant developments that will influence process automation in 2023 (and probably beyond).
???read full article???
What do you think will be the most significant development in 2023? ??
2023 Intelligent Automation Spend & Trends Report
In order to find out how digital transformation leaders will use hyperautomation technology and approaches to increase revenues, agility, and innovation in 2023, the Intelligent Automation Network polled over 400 leaders in the field. Their most recent Spend & Trends Report, which they assembled, examines the following topics:
Interview with Robert Enslin (Co-CEO UiPath)
Robert Enslin , Co-CEO of UiPath and former SAP president, shares his thoughts with ERP Magazine.
He discusses the value of diversity and culture, his perspective on consumers and goals, and his optimism regarding the influence of technology, particularly process automation, on our world.
???read full interview???
Fireside Chat: Greg Brockman (President OpenAI)
Here we have something very special for you. After all the hype around ChatGPT we present you with an interesting keynote from OpenAI 's president, Greg Brockman at Ray Summit 2022.
Greg Brockman is the co-founder and president of OpenAI. Prior to joining OpenAI, he served as the company's first CTO and founding engineer at Stripe, which he helped grow from 4 to 250 workers.
It's not worth living a serious life. Laugh a lot! ??
ChatGPT can't Replace Knowledge Workers
Thanks to Robert James Booth. If you enjoyed this meme, do visit his post and leave a like. ??
That's why Change Management is Important!
People Currently Around the World
A selection of upcoming exciting events (and other things) we think you should be aware of. ??
Christmas is just around the corner, and the world of events is sadly coming to a halt.
That's it for today! We hope you liked it!
Please leave some feedback in the comments and feel free to subscribe to get a notification next time! ??
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We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year! ??????
See you again on the 13th of January??
Your Automation Mag Team (aka?Mike Wichmann)