8 Articles!  What can possibly go wrong? Where you eat lunch matters!  How fun can lead to business! More!
Penn Station Escalator - Photo by Bryce Sanders

8 Articles! What can possibly go wrong? Where you eat lunch matters! How fun can lead to business! More!

8 Articles!?Did you find one really helpful??Which one did you like best??Please let me know in the Comment section below.


Financial planning can be the last thing on people’s minds when everything is going their way.?It is easy to assume the good times will last forever.?Here are ten assumptions people might make when they think nothing can possibly go wrong.

10 Assumptions That Can Lead to Financial Ruin ThinkAdvisor (4/17/23)




Years ago, a bank president explained why he ate regularly at a local luncheonette counter.?He said, “You would be amazed at the amount of business I found there.”?My article makes the case why you need to become a regular at the right lunch spot.

Out to Lunch? Where You Eat Can Actually Lead to New Business BenefitsPro (4/20/23)




Many people tend to think all advisors are alike and one insurance agent is just as good as another.?When you work in the financial services industry you need to make the case you can bring value to the relationship, traits your competitors might not offer.?

4 Ways to Show Prospects Your Unique Value ThinkAdvisor (4/18/23)




Many people have problems managing debt.?It can distract them at work.?On the one hand they think their personal finances are their own affair, yet they also think their company should help them improve their financial situation.?My article looks at how to manage this balancing act.

Employee Debt Affects the Workplace.?Rolling Out the Right Financial Wellness Solutions BenefitsPro (4/18/23)




Advisors do not spend their entire lives behind their desks.?They have family lives and personal lives too.?They need to have fun to provide some balance in their lives.?If they approach their leisure activities correctly, they can make connections that might lead to business.


What Do Advisors Do for Fun??Can It Lead to Business? Financial Advisor (4/17/23)




If you prospect businesses you know how difficult it can be to get the attention of the decision maker or even to learn their name.?Messages are left and calls do not get returned.?There are alternative ways to get inside the company if you think creatively.

Inside Connections: 6 Ways to Get a Foot in The Door At a Prospect Company BenefitsPro (4/14/23)




When the stock market is volatile, it is easy for advisors to find reasons not to call.?This is when clients most want to hear from their advisor.?If they don’t, they may assume you are ignoring their portfolio.?Here are a series of steps for meeting face to face and talking about performance.

How to Discuss Portfolio Performance with Clients Advisorpedia (4/18/23)




You might have seen articles about delays in passport processing as summer approaches.?Passports need renewal earlier than you might think because many countries have a six month validity rule before admitting you into their country.?Our renewal experience was excellent.

Our Good News About Passport Renewal in 2023: Planning Ahead For Your Coming Cruise All Things Cruise (4/18/23)



