8 - The abnormality of the normal

8 - The abnormality of the normal

Pun intended? Just a play?

It's so much more than that that I wrote an article for an international conference. I'll leave you the link in case you want to read it (in Spanish) https://zenodo.org/records/8019463

In this paper I questioned the construction of normality, among other aspects of technique and the need to change therapies.

Its content should be of interest to everyone, from psychologists to teachers, from parents to managers. I have transcribed an excerpt below:

"... the relativity on which the DSM as Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is based to explain the concept, (...) of 'normal':

1) Deviation from the average of one's culture

2) Deviation from the ideal of one's culture

3) Deviation from what is considered legal in one's culture

4) That the person is functional in their culture

5) That the person is hurting themselves or others".

Of the five criteria listed, the first four are not intrinsic to the person but specific to their environment, and the fifth is questionable given the circumstances of the events.

Remember that I am writing based on OntoPsiquis?, which my colleague Dr. Claudia Cristina Behn-Eschenburg Schollenberger and I created.

By doing so from this different perspective, focusing on what is natural to people, many of the so-called disorders cease to be so.

The benefits of moving away from diagnoses based on what is desirable are for people and their environment, be it family, social, academic, athletic and/or work related.

This is because they no longer have to bear the stigma of being labeled with a special condition.

Everything is relative: what is useless for one company is a competitive advantage for another.

Diagnoses can cause more harm (and economic loss) to people than the small effort of trying to adapt the social machinery to individual characteristics, accepting differences and valuing their natural qualities and strengths.

There are well-known and accessible personality type tests that determine what each person is like, but they are not always accurate because individuals are not statistical cases.

The desire to save time and money only encourages lying as a response to fear and the need to survive.

We develop our own questionnaires, and we must be responsible when it comes to identifying the individual, because the highest scores in the answers do not always correspond to the people.

Quantitative data, analyzed without interpreting the life circumstances of the applicant, student, patient or employee, is a weapon that targets the integrity of the organization that chooses to use it... carelessly.

If you prefer, you can also subscribe to the original version of this newsletter to read the articles in Spanish, by clicking on https://www.dhirubhai.net/build-relation/newsletter-follow?entityUrn=7279162648607244288

  • Find out about my career and work at


  • Social media / Books (three awarded in 2024)


We'll read each other in the next edition, with “Leadership... by nature?"

#dranibalsantoro #ontopsiquis #thinscen #HR #consultancy #consulting #inner #strengthening #coaching, #psychoanalytic #psychotherapy


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