Call for Papers - 7th International Conference on Signal Processing and Intelligent Systems (ICSPIS 2021)
marzieh malekimajd
Assistant Professor at Iran University of Science and Technology
The scientific community has witnessed substantial growth in digital signal processing and intelligent systems in recent decades, with ever-increasing applications in technology. The?7th International?Conference on Signal Processing and Intelligent Systems (ICSPIS 2021)?will be organized by the Iran University of Science and Technology in co-operation with the permanent Secretariat of ICSPIS. All interested researchers are invited to submit their research work?related to the?conference topics. The?ICSPIS 2021 will?be held?online?on 29 and 30?December.
ICSPIS is organized into 4 major tracks:
Track 1
???Signal Processing
???Audio and Speech Processing
Track 2
???Image and Video Processing
???Machine Vision
???Remote Sensing
Track 3
???Pattern Recognition and Analysis
???Data Mining
???Soft Computing
???Intelligent Systems
Track 4
???Smart Computer Networks
???Smart Grids
???Internet of Things
Important Dates: