On The 7's With Pyephreius B. Metatron Cosmic New Year 2021 Show Launch Announcement

On The 7's With Pyephreius B. Metatron Cosmic New Year 2021 Show Launch Announcement

I AM very pleased to announce that the Time Is Now! Join Me on Friday March 19, 2021 @ 8:44 PM PDT as I Ring In Our Natural New Year. I will be guiding a 7 Minute Cosmic Pivot Meditation via Zoom and will also be Reciting Intentions and Affirmations. I AM also announcing the launching of my new show, On The 7's With Pyephreius B. Metatron! My show will be centered around Spiritual Awakenings, Ascension and Expansion and will go into various topics like "88 Steps Into Your Mastered Self", "The 7 Life Cycles", "The 7 Soul Types", "Your 7 Self-Personalities", and all other Universal Truths.

Each One of US has 7 "Self" Personalities; Our Spiritual Self, which resides in Our Soul and guides US, Our Physical Self, which carries US through life, Our Mental Self, which influences our decision making process and determines our basic behaviors, Our Emotional Self, which controls Our Ego and how and why we react to any situation, Our Intellectual Self, which determines how and what we learn and communicate, Our Financial Self, which motivates US in our vocational and other entrepanuerial endeavors, and Our Sexual Self, which determines Our Animalistic Nature and how and why we love and how we interact with everyday people and situations. Your Mastered Self harmonizes all in Perfect Cosmic Balance. Awakening to this Truth is the beginning of My "88 Steps Into Your Mastered Self" Course Offerings, which we will be going through, exclusively!

I look forward to sharing everything I know about Spiritual Awakenings, Ascensions and Expansion, along with any other Esoteric Topic that I AM proficient at.

If you would like to join me for this Auspicious Cosmic Event, reach out to me and I will send you the Zoom Meeting Login Information.

I Look Forward To Seeing YOU Friday Night!


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