7.5 Years In One Article

7.5 Years In One Article

My last day with the NBA was Friday - this is my “Goodbye E-mail.” 

Usually when people leave the department, Team Marketing and Business Operations (TMBO), which is often for phenomenal growth opportunities, the person moving on sends an e-mail to the department. As I thought about what I wanted to say and who I wanted to say it to, I realized that an e-mail just to the department would not reach ALL of the people I want to. And, for those that know me, it’s extremely fitting that I use Linkedin as the platform.

Of course, this has to be in Linkedin best practice format, so here are 7.5 bullets of appreciation to mirror my numbers of years with TMBO/NBA.

1. My Wife

My wife, Amanda Matan Gurney, is one of the main reasons why I was able to succeed and why I continue to grow as a person, husband, father, and in this industry! When I accepted my original position, WE made the decision. We knew I would spend most of my time “on the road” and she supported me knowing it would be difficult. Together we moved from Pittsburgh to New York to Cleveland to Minneapolis and to Omaha. During these years she held positions with the Penguins, Yankees, Cavaliers, University of Minnesota, and as MOM. So not only was Amanda supporting me by pushing me at work, staying up late to go through my presentations one more time, helping me pack, pulling me up when I was down, managing my health, and teaching me her expertise - she also spent many days and nights at home alone figuring out parenthood, because we had two babies during all of this.

I could go on forever about her, but these are just a few reasons why she is first on this list. 

2. The Teams

During my time at the NBA the most common questions I would get were “How did you get to the NBA?” and “What exactly do you do?” The former I answer in my Linkedin bio. The second is difficult to answer because I always felt like I had two very different jobs…one at the League Office and one with the teams.

The reason the teams, inclusive of just the NBA, WNBA and NBA G League (If you were TMBO with me you will likely appear elsewhere) is #2 is because working with you all was my favorite part of the job. From team Owners/Presidents to Inside Sales Representatives and everyone in between, having the opportunity to work with you taught me so much and inspired me.

The easy thing to do would be to say there are too many of you to mention everyone, but this MY post so I’m gonna go for it, knowing full well there will be a lot of “you forgot about me” messages. (sorry if I missed you, I really am)..

Allen Schlesinger, Corey Bretton, Frank Micelli, Kerry Bubolz, Tim Salier, Don Stirling (the Jazz version), Jon Rhinhardt, Rich Mulbrook, Samir Mayur, Chris Chopey, Eric Platte, Andrew Steinberg, Kyle Davy, Ryan Grant, Erin Henning, Carley Knox, Jim Burda, Dan Dial, Rachael Starr, Adam Fox, Jason Thomson, Christie Allen, Kavita Dillion, Lisa Fegenbaum, Phil Horn, Stephen Leopold, Jillian Stocker, Dustin Toms, Jeff Heaton, Ryan Snider, Bart Sharp, Josh White, Yolanda Rogers, Brian Norman, Josh Belkoff, Eric Little, Jordan Lopez, Bob Hamer, Kyle Pottinger, Nic Barlage, Steve Tarachow, Jim Grayson, Carl Manteau, Wes Warne, Rocco Maragas, Mike Levy, Steve Swetoha, Brandon Lawrence, Marc Jackson, Dave Baldwin, Jim Brzlewski Bob Sivik, Brian Byrnes, Kristen Bernert, Steve Brandes, Nathan Burger, Shannon Burley, Kyle Burns, Alton Byrd, Adam Campbell, Dennis Carter, Anthony Horton, David Dowd, Keith Brown, Joe O’Neil, Elliott Crichfield, Ryan Shapiro, Ryan Tanke, Jack Cuchran, Jeremy Decurtins, Peter Dinwiddie, Rick Fusion, KSelly Kroskoff, Shawn Doss, Chris D’Orso, Keira Durrette, Ryan Erdman, Matt Fahr, Malcolm Farmer, Makinzie Foos, Danita Johnson, Jacob Gallagher, Barry Gibson, Todd Taylor, Bill Goren, James Hall, Will Herring, Theo Hodges, Brad Seymour, Jake Vernon, Jake Reynolds, Steve Jbara, Caroline Casper, Danny Keith, Kirk King, Brian Basloe, Carrie Kmetzo, Alma Lara, Stephen Leopold, Mark Levitt, Scott Sonnenberg, Chuck Lichty, Shari Lindenbaum, Alan Mowry, Rob Zuer, Cassie Wilkinson, Natalie White, Josh White, Wes Weir, John Torres, Terry Tiernon, Shane Stout, Steve Smith, Adam Skibek, Adam Shelton, Ashley Shapiro, Tenley Block, Danny Keith, Chris Murphy, Paul Ratner, Julie Seyller, Ryan Sember, Matt Schulman, Jared Schoenfeld, Scott Schiff, Dan Rosenthal, Malik Rose, Buck Rogers, Zack Robinson, Missy Ripepi, Ruth Riley, Mitch Ried, David Ridenhour, Donavan Reta, Michael Ramos, Bryan Ralston, Chris Presson, Drew Praster, Nick Petro, Brad Bauer, Bobby Mengler, Steve Schanwald, Michael Reinsdorf, Ram Padmonovon, Lamont Nelson, Jordan Lopez, Jamie Morningstar, Jill Snodgrass, Chelsea Feinstacher, Scott O’Neil, Christopher Heck, Ben Cobleigh, Lara Price, Larrry Meili, Carl Lahr, Dajuan Eubanks, Justin Petkus, Sam Walsh and Kirk Madsen.

Again, strong chance I missed some very important people and I'm sorry if I did. Send me a note and I'll edit this to include you :) No disrespect meant.

3. Mentors

I'm very lucky! I have had the opportunity to work for and with some great PEOPLE who also continue to teach me about work and life. I’m even more fortunate to pick up even more mentors along the way while still holding on to the others. My advice to everyone is if you find people like this in your life keep them close, let them know you’re learning and respect them, as well as appreciate them.

Brendan Donohue: Thank you for everything! Without you I would have been gone after two months. I hope you know how much I love you. One story that always sticks out is you calling Amanda (my wife) and asking her if I’m spending enough family time or over working? I mean what manager does that? You genuinely care for your people. I’m taking this lesson with me.

*And I have no doubt you are going to crush it as the Commissioner of the 2K League.

Chris Zaber: From our first one on one in Atlanta to today, you have guided me through some of the toughest situations in my life/career. You are who I called when times got tough at work and needed advice on how to manage it. What I’ve learned from you as a leader, and what I tell people considering going to work for you at the Mets, is to listen to all sides of an argument before making a decision and to give your entire staff a voice. But you don’t take long to absorb that information and then make a decision. You also are willing to admit when the decision may not be right and pivot in time to fix it (usually you make the right call). I’m taking this lesson with me.

Eric Hutcherson: From the day you walked into the meeting room on the 18th floor to meet us something clicked. Then, after you accepted my request for a one on one when I was just a junior executive I was excited. I learned as much in that first meeting with you than in any other meeting I can think of in my life. You were a guide post for me in a tough political environment and when I made mistakes I felt like I was letting you down – but you shot it to me straight. Your ongoing guidance through my time at the NBA and throughout my battle with my auto immune deficiency was a career saver for me. If, according to Mike Robbins, creating a successful team is 50% business credibility and 50% personal credibility then there isn’t a person who checks both of those boxes as much as you. Your combination of candor and care is something that pushes me as I hope to provide the type of educated advice and guidance to others that you have provided me.

Note: I’m not sure how many people at the NBA know what things were like before you got there, but the benefits now are amazing, the culture is remarkably improved IMO, and I personally appreciated that paternity leave, Headspace, and moving bonuses up to the beginning of December (there are too many to list but they all matter).

Mike Kennedy: Thank you for all of the courses you taught me and the one on one time you made available to me. When I was searching for an executive presence coach, my conversations with you made me realize I already had one. In YOU. I wish more people took advantage of NBA U and the courses that you teach because it’s a combination of the scholarly leadership training you have mastered and worked to transfer to people like me, as well as your devotion to your craft that I will take with me. I hope people at the NBA know how valuable of a resource you are, and try to take advantage of it. I also hope you’ll let me continue to learn from you.

Charlie Chislaghi: Has anyone touched more people in this industry than Charlie? As I was walking into my 3rd first day of work (see Jeff Bezos letter to shareholders) I something reminded me of Charlie and then I realized I accidentally left him off of this post. I'm sorry Charlie. You were there for me, literally, from day one. And you were the first person to have a "Radical Candor" conversation with me. We were in Atlanta in a training session, when I was a Group AE, and I as we were leaving the training session you pulled me aside. You said "Do you want to make it in this industry?" I replied "Yes, of course." You responded by saying "It's dumb comments like the one you made today in training that will hold you back." If anyone has every read Leadership and Self Deception you know that only people who really care about other people can speak to someone like that after only meeting them a few times (He's almost always "Out of the Box."). That conversation led to the best advice anyone has given me in my career. You told me to meet with our CEO once a year, our CMO once every 6 months, my Director's boss every 3 months and my manager at least once a month. You told me to ask them to go out to lunch. I still follow that advice to this day and honestly believe those conversations helped both separate me from my peers and also find out what I needed to do to grow. They gave me a path and a vision. But without your Radical Candor, I would not have made it as a Group Sales rep, let alone to this wonderful organization I'm at today. Thank you, Charlie. And the entire industry owes you Thank You as well.

Lou Depaoli: I really would like the world to know this story, even though only a few will end up reading it. I had two opportunities to grow my career after 2 years under your guidance at the Atlanta Hawks; one with the an NBA team as a Director of Group Sales and one with the Orange County Flyers of the Golden Baseball League as an Assistant GM. While everyone one of my "mentors" at the time told me "don't leave the 'pros' you'll never be able to get back in, you advised me to take the position in Independent Minor League Baseball. When I asked about my fear of not being in the "Bigs" you told me that when the time comes I'll always have you to help. Not only did you deliver on that promise by hiring me at the Pirates, which is amazing in and of itself, but you also challenged me, guided me, and taught me. One lesson I learned from you...I was sitting in my office one night at the Pirates during a 10 game home stand and you came by and sent me home. You said "What are you doing here while your wife is at home, go spend time with your family?" You have taught me so many valuable lessons I can't begin to mention them all and I hope the people who have a chance to work with and for you know what opportunity is in front of them. Thank you.

4. Former Colleagues

First off, I want to mention the people that were really in the trenches with me over the course of my time at the NBA. Sara Daniel (I can’t believe you brought a fake superman into the office on my birthday), Nicole Metzger, Dionna Widder, Raven Jemison, Jon Bishop, Jerry Murphy, Marcia Steinberg, Dipali Ottaviani, Geoff Brown, Ryan Picou, Kyle Hudson, Nicole Freeman, and Travis Apple.

Specifically to Jon Bishop - I’ll never forget your response during an end of year review to my question on how I can improve…“Be a great father!” you said. What a great and true statement.

There are so many others that had an impact on me over the years that are now on to bigger and better things. You (and the teams) are the reason why I’m posting this on this platform instead of sending out an internal e-mail.

Jeremy Walls, Val Camillo (funniest end of year roast ever), Ted Loehrke (funniest end of year roast that didn’t “cross the line” and also the “Exploding Whale” open will live in infamy), Kirsten Corio, Ben Gumpert, Chris Granger, Jon Abbomondi, Jordan Solomon, Donna Daniels (You, combined with Brendan, saved my time at TMBO when I was moved to report to you and I plan on paying you back big time in this new role – can’t wait to work with you again), Wendy Morris, Lindsay Ullman (“battle buddies” for life), Alyssa Marks, Lilian Majeed, Rita Giordono, Jyoti Agarwal, Nick Garcia, Maddy Baldwin, Zach Rosskamm, Christy Hedgpeth, Matt Thiry, Jon Spector, Jenn Van Dijk, Phil Grieco, Dan Mandelman, Jeff Ianello, Brad Sims, Eric Sherman, Drew Cloud, and Jordan Badia Bellinger.

The talent and intelligence in these lists are remarkable. Thank you all! I hope you know how much I appreciate you and please also know that I am better at our craft because of you.

5. The People at Linkedin and the Platform Itself

This may seem odd to outsiders reading this, but for those that know me you know that understanding social selling and helping pioneer the use of Linkedin and social media as an accepted sales methodology is a cornerstone of my brand. The Social Selling movement we created was/is amazing. For those that doubt it, pay attention to the premium sales department at the New Jersey Devils and Prudential Center over the next two years!

Special thank you to Mike Derezin, Stephanie Goodman, Annie Stankevich and Mike Gamson. You all impacted the sports industry more than you realize and had an equally powerful impact on my career. Together we created a movement and that is something we should all be extremely proud. BTW, thanks for also becoming good friends. 

6. Current Colleagues

Many of you have already been mentioned. But there are still a few people I want to call out…

Mike Taylor – Congrats on becoming an AM! You are going to kill it.

Raven Jemison – Getting to work with you again was a tremendous honor. You are one of the realest people I have ever known and I’m so proud to call you my friend.

Mike James – I remember one of my first day in the office when you predicted the Pirates, who were in first place at the time, would completely tank and it happened. Beyond your obvious intelligence, I think you are also one of the funniest people I know.

Kalyn Hutchinson – Good luck on this new chapter in your life. I have no doubt you are going to love TMBO and be great.

Amy Rea – You are just flat out a great person. I appreciate your kind words when I told you about this opportunity and will always be rooting for you.

Scottie Graham – Scottie, Oh, Scottie. Where would I be without you? Where would any of us be without you? There are no words to express how much you mean to me.

Monica Morrison – I’ve never seen anyone work as hard as you and not complain. You may not know this but I try to replicate that approach every day. I see great things in your future.

Amy Brooks – It’s been a fun, long and winding road working with and then for you. You are an example for so many people of what it takes to be a successful business executive!

Jon Bishop – You are the best Account Manager, PERIOD (for any of the Leagues) and I hope the leaders of those Leagues take advantage of your expertise (but who knows unfortunately) 

Goody - I'm sorry to have let you down! When you replaced BD and we started working together with the hopes of driving G/W business forward with me as the lead. I was excited. I boxed you into a corner with my behavior and know that you did what you had to. I also have to admit that I bought some slim fit dress pants from Lulu Lemon and they are actually amazing :).

And to the rest of the group, just because I’m leaving doesn’t mean I won’t be there for each and every one of you, no matter what you need. As I wrote in that letter to you all last year around this time, I consider you my family. You have been my family for a long time (some longer than others, but that doesn’t matter) and I’m going to be cheering you on as lead the sports world in innovation and continue to help teams drive business both domestically and internationally. I’m proud to say I’ve worked alongside each and every one of you and I will always be there for you if you need anything as I’m sure you will for me.

7. Outside Speakers/Teachers

When you are working in the NBA one of the major benefits is hearing from multiple speakers and learning from experts across many fields.

Thank you, Jennifer Aaker, for all of your presentations and ongoing teaching. I want you to know that so much of what you have taught about storytelling has been used and will be implemented in my next role, which I believe will be a key to success.

Ryan Estes – Teams you are missing out by not bringing Ryan in to talk to your managers about culture!

Mike Robbins – I could listen to your presentations over and over and never get tired of them. I will be bringing much of what you taught us about vulnerability and appreciation with me.

Other outside speakers I had a chance to learn from include Phil Knight, Kobe Bryant, General Stanley McChrystal, Adam Grant, Sean Achor, Jeffrey Gittomer, Peter Guber, Pat Riley, Bill McDermott, Sue Bird, Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith, Laszlo Bock, and probably others that I can’t remember right now. My hope is that I can combine the teachings from all of these unbelievable professionals into successful work. Topics covered include Storytelling, Leadership, Happiness, Sales, Culture, Hiring, Teamwork, Work Ethic, and much more.

Another takeaway I have is that I find it interesting when people leave the department to go to Business school. Is there a school that has a better group of teachers than this group? Oh, and let’s not forget all the people I got to see live in action like David Stern, Adam Silver, and Mark Tatum as well as many other top executives at the League.

7.5 The Preps! (only a small group will understand this, so that’s what it’s ?)

The final thing I’d like to acknowledge sincere gratitude and appreciation for is the infamous “prep process.”

When you enter the prep room, your title or role doesn’t matter. Feedback is delivered in concise and direct manner, often it can be harsh, but it made me better. Prep made me a better presenter, a more confident member of the department, allowed me to contribute and learn in areas I may not have otherwise had the chance, and taught me how to properly receive and deliver feedback.

This is another process I will be bringing with me.

In conclusion, this is my “goodbye” e-mail. Consistent with my reputation it is long and unorthodox (I’m working on brevity). Tomorrow starts a new chapter as I join the New Jersey Devils and Prudential Center as the head of Premium Sales and Service and I will be bringing a piece of everyone who interacted with, whether you know it or not, with me.


Justin Gurney

Jean-Luc Parker

Child of GOD: Making a Difference In the Legal and Health Tech Industries

5 å¹´

Love this! Inspiring to the fullest. Appreciate the time I got to learn from you and wish you nothing but blessings in 2020.?

Matt Cretzman

Helping B2B Companies & Leaders Leverage AI to Build Authority & Scale Revenue | Founder, Stormbreaker Digital & LeadStorm AI | AI Growth Strategist | LinkedIn Coach | SaaS Leader | Pickleball Addict ??

5 å¹´

Sounds like the Devils couldn't have gotten a better leader to join their team. This excites me greatly as a Devils fan. Congratulations, Justin Gurney!


This is awesome.? Made my day.? Love you buddy!? And amen to so much of what you wrote.? We are so lucky to have worked with such awesome people along the way.? Makes everything worth it.? Cheers!? See you in Jersey!!

Lindsay Ullman

Strategic business operations leader within sports

5 å¹´

Love this, battle buddy! Thank you for always being a fantastic colleague and friend. You’re doing to crush it in this new role. Keep rocking that 2KL gear!!

Brad Seymour

President, Windy City Bulls, Chicago Bulls NBA G League Franchise

5 å¹´

Incredible message from one of the best and most passionate individuals in the biz - thanks for everything Gurney - can't wait to see the successes you bring to HBSE!



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