75 Hard Day 6
Kevin Fream
America's Cyberist Helping Financial & Professional Services Avoid Loss, Improve Business, and Eliminate Doubt
Day 6
Leg day. You climb 5 flights of stairs between sets as active rest. One of the world's leading trainers sent me an e-mail asking if I had small calves. I'm not a big guy with a 17.5 inch neck and 17 inch calves. Neither seem remarkable but Google couldn't tell me what's a typical ratio of neck size versus calf size. Yeah that's your laugh of the day because only I would wonder about that useless factoid.
I read chapter 12 of 75 Hard. Giving up with Doritos and watching Pacific Rim are out - got it. Maybe it's a character flaw, but I never get bored working toward a goal. My vision is one from The Gambler.
I got the 2nd workout in around 6pm with the temp plunging. Tomorrow is supposed to be worse, but we'll see. Stay strong everyone!
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