75 Easy Ways to Add Value to You!
Sean Kelley - Best selling author of “The Visitor”
Ensuring automotive leaders achieve great results through people and tech with a unique approach to people development!
We ALL want to make more sales, earn a promotion, make more commission, get more respect at work...etc. I want you to get those things as well, but you need to know, none of those things come free. The price you must pay for them? The time and effort it takes to add value to yourself. By adding value to yourself, you increase your value for others. Ultimately, this is how anyone, anywhere sells more, makes more money, earns promotions, earns respect, earns trust and more. Here are 75 easy ways to add value to you at your dealership to help you begin getting what you want most!
75 Ways to Add Value to YOU at Your Dealership:
1. Help someone new at your office.
2. Learn something new from a Youtube video.
3. Ask someone what they want most in their career.
4. Help someone get what they want from their career.
5. Share information that will benefit others.
6. Have a candid conversation with someone regarding their biggest blind spot.
7. Defend someone under “attack”.
8. Put your team before yourself.
9. Put your customers’ needs before yours.
10. Ask someone in a different department, what can I do to lend a helping hand?
11. Authentically smile at every single person you meet today.
12. Tip someone who isn’t supposed to get tipped.
13. Post your best piece of advice on social media.
14. Thank everyone who has positively impacted you at work.
15. Help a coworker clean their desk.
16. Schedule something fun for you and your team to do together.
17. Give someone a 5-star review online.
18. Share a facade and be vulnerable.
19. Apologize to someone who felt wronged by you.
20. Ask your customers, “What could I do better for the next customer?”
21. Ask your customers, “What should I continue to do that you enjoyed most?”
22. Ask your boss, “What expectations could I do a better job of meeting?”
23. Pray for someone you know who is going through a difficult time.
24. Open the door for someone.
25. Leave your office better off than when you got there.
26. Walk away from gossip.
27. Do every single daily task with 150% effort.
28. Forgive someone who has upset you.
29. Show someone how to work smarter.
30. Lead by example, do the right thing in front of peers.
31. Work with integrity, do the right thing when no one is looking.
32. Write down 3 assumptions you have made about a co-worker and ask forgiveness.
33. Ask every subordinate how they like to be recognized for a job well done.
34. Double your personal monthly goal, and double activities to reach the new goal.
35. Log every activity for the day, tomorrow remove the 2 most useless activities.
36. Spend 10 minutes planning your day before checking your email or voicemail.
37. Be humble, ask others where you can improve.
38. Write down your best idea and share it with others.
39. Ask others to share their best idea with you.
40. Ask the top performer in your office if you can shadow them for a day.
41. Organize your desk and help someone else organize theirs.
42. Park someone else’s car for them.
43. T.O. a deal and don’t ask for half.
44. Find a car with no gas, and put gas in it.
45. Come to work 30 minutes early, and bring donuts to service customers.
46. Call orphaned owners and ask if you can be their customer service agent.
47. Go visit a department (office, service, etc.) you don’t see often and show them appreciation for what they do.
48. Compliment 5 people on a personality trait you appreciate about them.
49. Decide how you will reward yourself for doing all this awesome stuff.
50. Bring Sean Kelley #thecarbizcoach a grande iced coffee with sugar free vanilla and half & half from Starbucks.
51. Show extreme enthusiasm the next time you demonstrate.
52. Ask, “Why is that important to you?” The next 10 times a customer asks a question.
53. Ask a team member, “What is your greatest challenge right now?”
54. Schedule lunch with your 5 favorite customers and invite them Monday – Friday next week.
55. Record your next walk around or demo, listen later and improve 1 thing.
56. Ask your coworkers, “Where can I improve most?”
57. Write down 3 great things that will happen for you if you reach your goal this year.
58. Ask your boss, “What are 3 great things that will happen for them if we hit our goals as a store this month?”
59. Send a 30 second video to your favorite 10 customers simply to say “Hi!”
60. Pick up trash and screws in customer parking
61. Ask your coworkers to give you a recommendation on LinkedIn.
62. Ask a customer to film a 30 second testimonial video about buying from you.
63. Learn every coworkers spouse and children’s names.
64. Ask a social media group how they would solve your greatest challenge.
65. Ask each sales person their most challenging objection and how they overcome it.
66. Suggest something better for your customer than what they selected on their own.
67. When asking for the sale, lock eyes and smile.
68. Read your company’s value statement three times.
69. Tell a customer WHY you do what you do.
70. Commit to everyone what you are going to accomplish this year at work.
71. Read a book on leadership.
72. Read a book on sales.
73. Read a book on customer satisfaction.
74. Subscribe to the DriveCoaching newsletter and blog HERE.
75. Hire yourself a DriveCoach HERE.