73bit's Culture

73bit's Culture

Questions of the week:??What is the culture of 73bit?

I write this article based on the insight of my conversation with my team in our monthly 1-on-1 call. I speak with each one of my team members. This article is to share this week's question and our working method. You can subscribe to the Building Our Team newsletter (2900+ subscribers)

Photo by LinkedIn Designer

What is the culture of 73bit?

We have worked on our company's culture for over three years. I chose to focus on it as soon as we crack the company's profitable revenue model. The revenue breakthrough was inspired by the culture we wanted to build.

Since the team size has increased multifold, it is important to explain the culture in a way that is easy to understand and helps you make decisions.

Those who have been with us for a while have heard that we have a learning and growth mindset. You may also have heard that we have an open culture, which means an open/grow mindset instead of a fixed mindset. All that is correct but not so useful for applying in day-to-day Work.

We have a friendly culture.

We start by being acquainted; we don't know each other, but we are learning to trust?each?other. So, from being a stranger to a good friend. Why are we not trying to make best friends? Because the commitment is too huge for it, and the success rate is very low. By setting the right expectations, it is easy to maintain them and be professional while doing so.

What's the trait of a good friend?

? They live with integrity

? You can trust them

? "Dependability" is their middle name

? They sticks by you through your highs and lows

? They have empathy for others

? They're good listeners

? Their confidence is contagious

? Spending time with them makes you feel good

? They make you laugh

? They're non-judgmental

? They're low-maintenance

We are not a family or best friends because standards and expectations are way too high for that.

Also, why not be professionals only? Why try to be friends at all at Work? We want to grow and succeed. We spend significant awake hours of our lives at Work. Why not make it more pleasant, friendly, and positive?

We also want our clients to turn from strangers into friends. We will treat them fairly and friendly. It means we will work towards what is best for their success.

Why? A good friend is always rooting for another friend.          

Sometimes, it means sharing our professional advice in a friendly way without the fear of backfire or the worry of losing them as our clients.

It also means listening to the team members who have good ideas that can help us grow 10X, letting our clients know why we failed in a project or made a mistake, and accepting it with humility.

We have been in business for the past 17 years and served some clients for more than a decade. Some clients have outgrown us, and some we have grown with them. The outgrown ones left us and have chosen to grow?as?a?company. Some have come back, and one of the reasons for that is not because we had good tech, great products or excellent customer service. It was because we were always friendly and cordial with them, even when they fired us.

It may be simple, but it is easy for some to embrace this culture. Like a good friend, you do it without any expectation of return. You do it because you are a good friend.

That's your work identity.

Like you are not friends with everyone you meet in your life. At Work too, there will be people whose wavelength would?be?mismatched. You won't be friends with them, but when they reach out for help, you will behave like a good friend. That is a the most difficult part of the job.

However, if it becomes too toxic, like a toxic friend, you will naturally distance yourself from them. Your responsibility as a good friend is to inform any of the company's owners (Gautam or Vikram) that your psychological safety is affected — your reason for feeling suffocated. This is why I (Vikram) have a 1-on-1 call with each of you every month so that you can share it with me.

Remember, the people you may find toxic are good people, but they still need to understand our work culture and fully embrace it. Their past bad bosses or bad stories may haunt them. It's hard to change a bad habit.

Their toxic behaviour is not be good for you or the company because their actions will work against the culture. Use habits of the previous companies they worked on or the stories they have heard. For the first 6 months they will be shocked that a work culture can be so calm, curious and creative.

They would ignore it in disbelief and think it's only cosmetic and surface-level. People who don't embrace our culture will micromanage, blame, criticise, pressurize, shout, manipulate, lie, dominate, intimidate, nag, control, undermine, humiliate, be negative, dismiss and?more.

It's not a debate if this behaviour is right or wrong.

I love this quote that I read recently.

Successful people see opportunity in every failure. Normal people see failure in every opportunity. Both are right.?One?gets?rich.

I want everyone working with us at 73bit to get successful and rich.

If you don't want to be wealthy with us, please let us know, and we can part ways?amicably.

For those new to 73bit's culture, I am bullish on building a culture of learning and growth, which are these three primary reasons.

A) We have made our revenue model 5X profitable, which means we start every year by keeping aside the salary of the entire staff. No one worries about their salary for the next 12 months

B) We had a couple of achievers in the team who had multiple breakthroughs, which created 10X value for the company. This was never possible in the old company culture

C) Most of our team members and clients stay with us for 4-5 years. Using this friendly culture has already resulted in some wins.

So, this culture has been our growth story. We are transforming knowledge?into?profits. That's our story, and we want to keep it like that.

In order to add more transparency to our friendly culture, here is an anonymous survey that will always be open. I will share it in this group every quarter as a reminder for any feedback on whether we are moving towards our culture or away from it.

It is only one big text box and completely anonymous, which means only Vikram and Gautam will read it, and they will never learn who gave the secret feedback.

If you liked this, why not share it?


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