7/22 Think *Before* You Ink

7/22 Think *Before* You Ink

How's it going, Reader?

A question I get most often is How do I actually write my book? A more effective question would be: What do I need to think about before I write my book?

In this 4-part series, I'm going to cover four important aspects of writing your book: identify your desired outcomes, decide who you're writing for (identifying your ideal reader, aka: the avatar), commit to writing the book, and do the outline.

I find most people get very excited—usually because they identify what they think is the title of their book—and they sit down and start writing. Not that there's anything wrong with that approach, per se, yet I liken it to deciding to take a vacation and just getting in the car and driving. You will probably have one heck of an adventure...if you don't run out of gas, find you don't have the right shoe options, and the available hotels are perhaps less desirable than if you'd taken some time to plan. I mean, we all know the wrong shoes can really ruin a vacation...

Before you start writing your book, sit down and decide:

WIIFM: What's in it for me? Don't be shy, in fact, be bold! What do you want your book to do for you? Your brand? Your business? Do you want it to make you a household name? Generate new income from book sales or new clients? Get very clear on what having a book can potentially mean for you.

What do you want readers to do? And, not do? I'll use You MUST Write a Book as an example: I want readers to write and publish a book that fulfills their vision (see above). I also don't want readers to rush, publish a terrible book that doesn't make them money or the impact it could make if they had the right advice.

Just taking the time to answer the three questions above will help you begin to craft your book with intention. Go ahead and answer those questions—bonus points if you press reply and share your answers with me.

If you want to ensure you'll get the most impact and income from your book, you'll want to grab my course, Publishing Ph.D.

Is it worth it? Here's what Money Honey author Rachel Richards says about it:

“If you think Honoree’s course is just for aspiring authors, you’re mistaken. I enrolled in her course after I had self-published not one, but two bestselling books on financial literacy. Why? Because I was aware that there was still a lot I didn’t know, and I wanted to take my existing books and revenue from awesome to exceptional. I knew that Honoree had the experience and track record to help me. My gut feeling that I was missing some key pieces was spot on. I learned so much more from Honoree’s course than all the other courses, webinars, and books I had read on self-publishing combined. With Honoree’s guidance, I updated my front and back book matter, decided to roll out a second edition of my first bestseller, launched my first online course, learned how and where to advertise, and learned the extremely valuable ins & outs of how “Amazon magic” works.The launch strategies themselves were worth the money. Honoree showed the class how to manage a successful Advanced Reader Team, how to efficiently manage my social media, and how to generate additional revenue streams from your book. She also introduced me to countless vital resources. I can’t say enough about the insane amount of value that this course delivers. It exceeded all expectations (and trust me, I’m one tough cookie.) Thank you so much Honoree!” ~Rachel Richards, Bestselling author, Money Honey and Passive Income, Aggressive Retirement

Happy writing! I'll see you tomorrow!

Honorée Corder | I help aspiring authors create a revenue-generating business asset in the form of a book. Learn more here .


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