70 To Sleep
Vance G. Larson CHt
Consultant, Coach & Advisor- Bringing Humanity Back To Business
About 25 years ago, I remember I had a client on the books for a 7:00 am appointment. During that time, as so often, I was working 12 to 18 hour days. What I recall, my appointment showed up and took one look at me and said," You look like shit." Many would have been offended, but I knew she was right. I had been working with her for a couple of months, so I guess she felt she could be brutally honest with me. I remember I told her that I was working off of 4 hours sleep. She said, "Keep the 70.00 and use this hour to sleep." Out the door she went...
Not sure why I thought about that today, but it was a fond memory. A client caring for the caregiver. Pretty cool. If you haven't guessed by now, I am pretty much one of the most transparent people you would meet. What's good about that...I think, is that people feel comfortable around me. Like they can be themselves.?
There are some people that we cannot not avoid coming into contact with. But for the most part, personal, professional or any level, if you're in my life, it's because of the energy you bring. I refuse to stay in any environment?that does not breed health. I avoid it at all cost. For my entire life, I usually work with people who are having some of the worst days of their life. So I do my bests to pick environments?that I can be productive in. Yes there are times where they can't be avoided. But I surround myself with the pure intentioned.?
As for my client who paid me 70 to take a nap. She went onto say that I help so many, it was time to help myself. Environment. It makes the extreme times seem possible. Work or play, on any day, your circle is your life force. Pick accordingly. That job that drains you. Get out. That group of friends that doesn't take your needs into consideration. Move on. That religion that you outgrew. Go explore another. Life is too short to be stuck in shitty places. It's up to you to pick you. Because we won't always have someone willing to pay us 70 to sleep. In fact, in 58 years of life, that has only happened once. All other days it was on me, to pick me. So today, pick you.?