7. A yarn with Riki "The Gervais" Williscroft
I reckon this is the right Riki, but Ricky Gervais

7. A yarn with Riki "The Gervais" Williscroft

Welcome to the seventh of a series of interviews called “A Yarn with (First name here)”, this one is with Riki Williscroft

Note: The next AFQY is in Wellington June 15th, where can connect with good people.

The aim is to interview AFQY "characters",  asking them the same set of questions. The questions are based on the language and principles of AFQY, so it's great to get someone else's perspective!
1st: A yarn with Paula "The Dragon"
2nd: A yarn with Brent "The Aussie"
3rd: A yarn with Te Omeka "The Generous"
th: A yarn with Owen "The Big O", McCall
th: A yarn with Darren "D-a-a-S" Beattie.
th: A yarn with Paul "The Solver" Williams.

The questions are based on how I explain AFQY when introducing the concept at an AFQY event; if you have attended before, and heard me explain the concept, you'll recognise a few of the questions . So here we go, grab a coffee and I hope you enjoy:

The reference to the "Ther Gervais" will become apparent as you read the last answer in this interview, I'm sure you'll get it, if you don't put a request for information through to someone with a brain ;-)  

Did you see what I did there ;-)

Yeah, well I have made it so obvious now, the dry subtle joke is a blunt whack in the guts. Now back to Riki, oh the image of the singer is Ricky Nelson and reflects a gues on my part regarding Riki's nickname, again, an answer down below.

Riki, a gentle, quiet and calm guy with a stack of impressive achievements and vanity stats we'd all be proud to claim, but you'll never know that unless you draw it out of him. He's what I'd call the quintessential kiwi bloke, just quietly "Knocking the bugger off", but not making a peep about it.

Full of fantastic and fascinating yarns I have been trying to get him to attend one AFQY event in 7 years, but to be fair, I started inviting him about 5 years ago so he 2 years off his sentence ;-) 

I met Riki through Glenda Godfrey and her 3 Blind Mice charity where he joined the support crew as they raised nearly $70,000 for Kia Timata Ano Trust, an independent women's refuge in Rodney. The challenge was to the NZ IT community to make back to back crossings of the Tongarario Crossing. Pat O’Connell , Glenda and Jonathan Iles completed 4 consecutive crossings to my understanding, and that is no mean feat. Riki takes things seriously, as he says himself, whether it's work or trudging through knee deep snow or making stuff happen in the world of transport ICT Applications, he just gets on with it.

So with that I'll let you get on with it... reading Riki's take on things

What's your name?
Riki Willscroft

Where are you from? (Country & City)
NZ, Auckland

Which AFQY event have you attended?
It's tricky for me to get to them, but there in spirit and fully support the idea. We are a small industry in NZ which gives us a great opportunity to work collegially.

Tell us about the kids, the cat and the dog?
3 kids, 2 dogs, 2 rabbits, miscellaneous fish.
Ryan: We don't need to call your MPI bretheren to check this fish out?

What do you do? (Not just your title, but a bit about what you do)
I look after the application services teams at Auckland Transport. At the moment, that means driving a shift to bi-modal operations and building our cloud services portfolio. 
Ryan: So you're making the (digital) wheels turn faster? (Pun intended.)

What's your philosophy on doing business?
I take this stuff seriously.
Ryan: Yup, work hard... play hard too?

Whats your motivation for what you do? (The Why)
I love to see things work... making change and seeing positive outcomes; better services, happy teams, happy customers.

What's your favourite quote, cliche or similar?
"Don't underestimate the value of inspiration as a radical positive disruptive force." I think I heard it on a TED talk.
Ryan: Is that a modern version of "Neccessity is the mother of all invention?"

Can I have a card? Or give me a look at your brand?
I know as a modern professional I am supposed to have a "personal brand", I just cant seem to choose the right colour scheme.
Ryan: Very serious problem, lets call the colour consultant.

What sport or activity do you enjoy?(Watching, playing, supporting)
I run. Last year I got a bit more serious and did my first marathon. My goal this year is the Hillary trail in under 16 hours. I am up before dawn 3 times a week to run the dogs in the Waitakere's, lunch time runs to clear the head and a long run on the weekend. 3 - 4 hours in Auckland's unique sub-tropical rain forest soaked with rain and covered in mud is a rare privilege.
Ryan: I'd be up for the 16hour Hillary Trail, and the walking the dog (I have a puppy and live at the Waitakeres doorstep)

Where is the most interesting place you've visited and why? (Work or play)
I visited the Pentagon on a routine trip a few months after 9/11. The quiet stories of individual heroism and loss were uplifting, and heart breaking.
Ryan: Wow... that would have been intense.

What’s the most important lesson you've learnt in business and in life?" (Can be the same one or one each)
Guard your reputation more closely than your wallet.
Ryan: AFQY is all about integrity, honesty, openess and transparency, which make for a good reputation.

What do you care about and why? (Sunny days is not an answer)
Family. Professionally: I think all of business comes back to leadership. A vision and a strategy to get there. I think we are a bit monotheistic about it though, and do theocratise successful business leaders like Richard Branson etc. overlooking other kinds of leadership that make the world go 'round; thought leadership, spiritual leadership etc. We tend to wait like eager acolytes on the next gospel of the moment to reveal the secrets of leadership that will lead us to billions in our bank accounts. Life is not that simple, we have to find our own strengths and our own vision. Strategy is a key part of leadership and as hotly contested. I like Kaplan and Norton's definition from their HBR article "strategy defines how you think about something everything else is tactics". If we hold the idea that leadership starts with a vision; possibly unclear, half-formed but a strong glimpse of the future and we build on that and shape it with a strategy, we start to grow a leadership model that can make things happen. A good manager will deliver an outcome, a good leader will open the doors of human potential to realise and unfettered vision.
Ryan:  I also agree, "A good leader will open the doors of human potential to realise an unfetted vision. So what is your vision, where are you taking us?

Tell me a personal story that works with AFQY?
I was working as the local IT manager in a branch of a large organisation. Our small IT team were at odd's with corporate trying to retain flexibility to meet the needs of our unit. It came to a head when the CIO made a site visit to work through the issues, after a tense morning the CIO asked to see the unit manager. I went to see if the boss was free, what he said when I asked him if he could meet the CIO floored me: "what do you want me to say?" The unit manager did not have an understanding of subtleties of the issues, but was clear in his strategy and confident that we understood it as well. He was happy to support us on trust in challenging a senior management directive. As it worked out he spoke with confidence and authority on something he knew little about and won over the CIO.
Ryan: Imagine if all bosses put that trust in their team mates... awesome yarn.


If you had your time again, what would you do differently?
More whiskey, tattoos, and rock and roll. Less IT.
Ryan: So what's your favourite dram? What's your missing tattoo of? And what rock n rool would be playing while your getting a tattoo drinking whiskey?

What's your handle, or nickname? (Can everyone use it? And how di you get it?)
Riki is my nickname. Given to me by my mother when I was very young - I don't know why. Yes, you may use my nickname. No, you may not use my real name.
Ryan: So the world wants to know... what's your real name? And promise we wont use it.

What type of person do you not stand for?
Bullies, in all of their disguises.
Ryan: Too f'king right. Excuse my french, but yeah, nah yeah mate.

What would you like to share with AFQY and why?
How about some conversation starters for the next gathering:

1. ITIL is dead, killed off by the Cloud. I don't care about capacity - I can buy more and have it immediately (not wait 6 weeks for it to arrive from Singapore and a month to commission). I want managed availability not maximum. If I can turn something off when its not being used I can save money (Dear Azure/AWS please build me a wake on port - ta). The only SLA/OLA anyone is interested in is, everything, all the time! What other service sacred cows can we throw on the BBQ?

2. OpEx crunch. When our capital programs turn in to operational expense as subscription models become dominant, how will business cases and program approvals work?

3. Have you just bought more tin? committed yourself to 5 more years on premise? or will you convince the CFO to write down thousands/millions in assets and blow out the P&L when our favourite services are no longer supported on premise?

4. Don't panic, we all know the move to the cloud is not going to be that dramatic... but, if you have bought tin and don't have a plan to go off premise before you have to replace it - will you buy more and commit yourself to another 5yrs on premise? That puts your cloud migration strategy out to 10 years, how far behind in innovation do you think you will be? how pleased will the business be?

5. Dev/Op's and Agile - honesty self check, are you really? or is it just unplanned waterfall?!

6. Are directories and domains sunset products? If I can present a service endpoint to the user why do they need to be part of a directory/forest/domain? and if that is the case do I care what hardware they use? Does my workforce have to be "on-boarded" or can I grow my team across multiple businesses?

Popcorn post; bring popcorn, throw as required. Food for thought, or better still heated debate...

We'll there is Riki's perspective on the AFQY question set and I invite you to bring popcorn and hotly debate these subjects at the up coming "AFQY Digital Discussion" which may end up becoming "AFQY Digital Debate" by the looks of those disucsion topics ;-) And that wouldn't be a bad thing.

Thanks and well catch up for a yarn soon ;-)


Ryan "The Lion" Ashton
Founder & Cheif Yarner
A Few Quiet Yarns


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