Abraham Ngobola
Award Winner 2023 (Employee of the year), Award Winner 2024 (Dedication and commitment) Customer Loyalty Executive, Relationship Coach, Author & Entrepreneur.
Dear employee,
According to the subject matter, I want to bring this wisdom close to you for your understanding, hope you will find them helpful to you.
Being an employee for some time now, I have learnt a few things by wisdom what you can do to remain relevant at your place of work, remember, it is one thing to be employed or hired, it is yet another thing to produce results and remain relevant.
1. Deal with familiarity seriously.
***No matter how good hearted your boss may be, make sure you draw a very clear line between you and him/her, never take advantage of a good boss.
2. Don't give yourself a seat when called in the office.
***There is some indiscipline I have seen in some of us workers, when you are called by your boss, always wait for him to tell you to take a seat, this will show respect to his office.
3. Get a notebook and a pen when your boss calls you.
***It's just unfortunate that mostly when our boss calls us, we either expect a salary increment or bad news, but we can as well get a notebook, your boss may say a word that can change your life for the better and you may need to take note of that word.
4. Do your best to produce results.
***Every company wants to pay you for your service and results, you need to do your best to produce the results you promised during interviews.
5. Close your mouth shut in the midst of your boss.
***In the multitude of words, sin is not lucking, when you are called in the chambers of the king, make every effort to close your mouth if you don't have what to say, only speak when it matters.
6. Work on your bad attitude towards.
***All the attitudes that your bosses didn't see during interviews that are now showing, work on them.
7. Remain professional in all your work dealings.
***Professionalism is beyond work experience and qualification, stay true to the laid down systems of the company, don't undress your bosses, don't kill your bosses, don't still from your bosses, always be that good person they saw during interviews.
Thank you so much.
DISCLAIMER: The wisdom shared is not a product of any book or magazine, this is my opinion, and you are free to argue for or against.
Yours Sincerely
Abraham Ngobola
Employee's Desk.