7 Ways to Support Muslim Employees During Ramadan

7 Ways to Support Muslim Employees During Ramadan

Ramadan, a famous and sacred festival of Muslims, is celebrated every ninth month of the Muslim calendar. This festival is extremely important for Muslims, who fast in the hours between sunrise and sunset.

Before sunrise and after sunset all the Muslim family or friends get together and celebrated Ramadan day by having their meal together. Special prayers, known as Tarawih take place during the month of Ramadan. It is offered along with the namaz of Isha and is the last prayer of the day.

In this blog, we will talk about some details on Ramadan and share some secret ways how to support Muslim employees during Ramadan.

Why do Muslims Celebrate Ramadan?

Before thinking about why Muslim fast during the month, let us discuss why Muslims celebrate Ramadan in the ninth month of the Muslim year. There are mainly three reasons why this month is important for Muslims and why they celebrate the festival in the ninth month every year.

  • The Quran was first discovered during this month.
  • Muslim beliefs the gates of Heaven are open this month.
  • They also believe the gate of hell is closed this month and the devils are caught up in Hell.

Moreover, they believe on this time they become closer to ‘Allah’. This month they mostly avoid telling lies, doing gossiping, fighting, etc.

This Ramadan time is of spiritual cleansing for Muslims. They do refrain from any food and drink (even water). They focus on meditation through prayer and suppress the desire of the body and feed the soul.

Celebrating Ramadan is not an easy task. Often people get sick and weak, during the fasting period. Though throughout the world, millions of Muslims fast during the month, besides they spend a normal life like going to the office or school, doing daily household work, etc. as well.

Often this will impact many Muslims at work. Every organization should support Muslim employees during their Ramadan period.?Not only the organization but as a co-worker, we should help them at any time required.

Read here to know some ways to support your Muslim co-workers...


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