7 Ways to Show Your Investments Some Love

7 Ways to Show Your Investments Some Love

Dear Readers,

Today let’s talk about an important relationship you may be hesitant to discuss. You know, the one you can’t live without, even though it may sometimes cause headaches and heartaches. No, I’m not talking about you and your partner, I’m talking about the relationship between you and your investments.

Sure, you’ve made some money mistakes in the past. We all have. And we’re all trying to have a healthy relationship with our finances and break destructive habits. So here’s some friendly advice from someone who over the years has not only heard tales of joy about investing but also stories of woe, worry and sorrow—and a few ideas on how you can show your investments some love.

1) It’s not your investments—it’s you

As with every relationship, you have to take some responsibility for how it's going. Are you disappointed in your returns? Look at your own behavior. Most investors receive less than market returns. Why? Because all too often they chase after the hottest thing, jumping in and out of the market, rather than staying the course. If you want to be more a successful investor, you need to have a plan and stick with it. Investing is a long-term commitment.

2) Get serious?

Investing isn't a game to be played lightly. There's real money at stake. If you want the potential for serious returns, you need to be serious about what you're doing. Don't be satisfied with the superficial or taken in by the glitz. Rather, get to know an investment before you commit. Do your research. Read the prospectus.?Make sure it’s a good fit for your asset allocation. Remember, investing isn't a fling. It's something you want to be a part of your life for the long-term.

3) Leave the past behind

I should've bought TESLA when it went public…saved that raise…I should never have taken on that car payment… We all have money regrets. But rehashing the past is pointless unless you can learn from it—and change your course. Wish you had invested differently? Take a look at your goals and timeline. Want to save more? Make a budget and stick to it. Need to get out of debt? Create a realistic repayment plan. As they say in investing, past performance is no guarantee of future results. In the same way, obsessing over past mistakes can cause you more harm than good. Better to get over it and move on—with a new plan of action.

4) Pay attention

It's often ignoring the little things that can ruin a perfectly good relationship—as well as the not-so-little things. With investing, you need to pay attention to essentials like your expenses. They may seem small, but they can add up. Bigger things like changes in your risk tolerance and time horizon definitely shouldn't be ignored. Plus, you need to check in periodically to make sure you're on track both with your savings and your goals. That doesn't mean you have to constantly monitor your account balance or spend hours watching the markets. But if you don't give your investments enough attention, you might be caught off guard when they go off course.

5) Stop worrying about what other people think ?

Your relationship with your investments is unique. It's about your goals, your needs and your wants. If you're right for each other, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Whether you made X percent more or less than your friend is irrelevant. The most important thing is whether or not you're able to reach your goals—not someone else’s. FOMO and social media can distract you from focusing on what's right for your situation. So swipe right on friends who encourage you to follow your own plan—and ghost anyone who tries to tell you to invest in something that doesn't fit your goals. No matter what others are doing, invest for yourself and what you care about most.

6) Shed the baggage

Your first relationship is rarely the one that lasts forever. Finding the perfect match takes experience. The same goes for investing. Bitcoin curious? When you’re just starting out, you often experiment, trying to find what's right for you. This can result in owning a bunch of random mutual funds, ETFs and individual stocks rather than having a well-thought-out portfolio that's a good match for your goals and feelings about risk. So take an honest look at what's working and what's not. Get rid of investments that don’t fit in or support your goals. It's often better to cut your losses by rebalancing, rethinking your asset allocation and timeline—and starting fresh.

7) Find a new BFF (best financial friend)

A little outside perspective can help you see your problems—and solutions—more clearly. So seek out help when you need it. There's plenty of online investing information available. But often there's nothing like expressing your concerns to someone who is knowledgeable and willing to listen. This could be a trusted friend or family member, or an investment professional. And don't forget about your spouse or partner. Money is notorious for causing personal problems. Talking openly and honestly about your financial concerns may help strengthen both your personal and investing relationships.

Have a personal finance question? Leave it in the comments. Carrie cannot respond to questions directly, but your topic may be considered for a future article.?For Schwab account questions and general inquiries,?contact?Schwab.


The information provided here is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered an individualized recommendation or personalized investment advice. The investment strategies mentioned here may not be suitable for everyone. Each investor needs to review an investment strategy for his or her own particular situation before making any investment decision.

All expressions of opinion are subject to change without notice in reaction to shifting market conditions. Data contained herein from third-party providers is obtained from what are considered reliable sources. However, its accuracy, completeness or reliability cannot be guaranteed.

Examples provided are for illustrative purposes only and not intended to be reflective of results you can expect to achieve.

Steven Ward

Assistant Vice President, Wealth Management Associate

3 年

Great article

Sidney Maradan

Project Manager - Confidential Company

3 年

“Love and money,” is the core aspects of building a lasting relationship supposedly in the old days. I would say back in 60s. A lot of things have change then, in the 70s - 2 in 5 marriages divorced, in the 80s - 3 in 5 marriages divorced, in the 90s - 4 in 5, the 2000s - 5 in 5 marriages divorced, 2010s 6 in 5, it means that 5 marriages divorced and one couple did not even tie the knots, as the groom run away because of financial issues. It is crazy! “Why get married if you get divorced.” ..lol...It is just too complex in our modern times. Even with pre-nuptial agreement. I think it is better because as the couple build their wealth it depends how long the relationship stands out. Lots of divorces happen during the pandemic because both busy couples are with kids, they can not stand each other of who do the house chores, etc. “Nobody wants to be the jobs of house trades master of none.” And there is also a financial abuse where either he/she is the breadwinner and the other just do house chores and simply a supporting partner. It is too complex if the other half do not make any income. The remedy of whoever does not make any money must be paid a salary or has to have kind of some set aside funds if in case marriage goes sour.??

Joyce Bidwell

BIDWELL LIFE SETTLEMENTS in all 50 states bidwelllifesettlements.com 505-702-3699 NM, [email protected]

3 年

Carrie, Great headline!


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