7 Ways to Recruit and Perpetuate Generation Z into Your Workforce

7 Ways to Recruit and Perpetuate Generation Z into Your Workforce

Generation Z abbreviated as the Gen Z, are referred to those born roughly around mid-1990 to a decade after. For a long time now HR professionals were engaged with building strategies to recruit and retain the millennials. But slowly and steadily the new workforce is Generation Z. The Gen Z employees are more dynamic, full of energy, and an ocean of fresh ideas. So, now is the high time to change the strategy to hire the Gen Z professionals and also to retain them within the organization. A survey by Randstad showed that 46 percent of millennials opted for a corporate job whereas only 16 percent of Gen Z opted for it. This shows how traditional HR recruiting measures won’t work efficiently with them. Let’s have a deeper introspection into some of the new tactics for hiring them.

7 Ways to Recruit and Perpetuate Generation Z into Your Workforce

Following are the points through which one can easily recruit and perpetuate the new tech talents of the gen Z,

Provide job security

Gen Z is included in an era that has a shortage of talent. They will have plenty more choices to ponder upon for a particular job. The most important aspect they take into consideration is job security. They also want to be secured with health insurance from the company for their family. So to retain them, HR must reform the company guidelines and offer more opportunities. 

A flexible work-life balance

Gen Z employees are more independent than millennials. They need more space from the office culture. They understand that a 9 to 5 job can be made flexible without compromising the quality of work. They believe in smart work rather than hard work and consider work-life balance as a priority. But at the same time, they will also not stop from growing as a professional. 

Diversity and inclusion

It can’t be denied that the new generation is more diverse. With increased mobility in the world, students from all over the world can attend good university programs. Therefore, the key to attract them lies in the inclusion policies of the organization. The company must also reform its existing policies to welcome the diverse community. 

Rewards and recognition

Besides company compensation to the employees, a reward or recognition for great work is a must. Gen Zs tends to hold on to the company if they are well appreciated by their seniors for their efforts. A simple recognition ceremony conducted by calling a small meeting among the peers proves to be very fruitful. 

Be transparent and upfront with the candidates

Gen Zs have a wide variety of organizations to switch jobs. And, most of them will only stick with an organization for their transparency towards him or her. This trust between the management and the employee is likely to build a strong relationship. They need their concerns to be heard and worked upon. So as HR personnel, it should be a firm practice to keep the communication alive and assure them of emotional security. 

Maintain the brand image of the company

As Gen Z candidates are more tech immersed, they are generally inclined towards branding. They will prefer to work with an organization that has a good reputation and excellent work culture. It is not very difficult for them to find genuine reviews about the company over the Internet. So building a strong brand image is equally essential to stay in competition with the other organizations. 

Early preparation

An early bird catches the worm. Well, this quote is exactly what HRs should do right now. They must be well prepared with the latest technology and fresh mindsets to hire the candidates before their competitors. This will help the organization to hire smart and attain the desired candidates. 

There are other factors as well which are not to be overlooked. The gen Z candidates want constant growth with their work. They are more innovative and easily bored with monotonous work. So a change in their work pattern over a while will excite them and also help with their growth. They prefer more individual tasks rather than teams. In the next 2 years, Gen Z is going to comprise more than 24% of a company’s workforce. Hence, it is still not late for the management to change their way and mindsets. This new generation wave is going to bring a positive dynamic change in the business universe. 

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