7 Ways Perfectionists Can Avoid Procrastination
RETIRED - Great Coaches Have a Coach | If your business isn’t where you want it to be, YOU CAN DO IT
How I Help Perfectionists to Avoid Procrastination
I help new Coaches to avoid Procrastination & Perfectionism and jump-start their coaching businesses, sign up clients and increase income.
Perfectionists often find themselves in positions of overwhelm and confusion about how to start launching their businesses. Because they can’t start, they don’t start – they participate in the art of procrastination.
And the more they procrastinate, the more they worry, and the more anxious and stressed they get. Thus, all of that anxiety and stress creates emotional and physical symptoms. Such as headaches, sore necks, stiff muscles, stomach aches, and pains, etc.
So what should perfectionists do to avoid procrastination? I found 7 ways that helped:
1. There’s an old joke that goes – “How do you eat an elephant?” Answer: “One spoonful at a time!” It’s the same way you break the big tasks down into one small baby step at a time! No decision is permanent. You can make your business look any way you want it to, and CHANGE it whenever you feel like it.
2. One of the biggest changes is to Let Go of Attachment and become Open to Outcome! Results that are different from the expected outcome are not failures. They are just different! When one is open to outcome/open to possibilities, there could be a number of excellent potential outcomes.
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