7 ways to make E-learning Fun & Engaging
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Online teaching is a new challenge for teachers who are used to teaching in the classroom. Meeting students and teaching them via webcam is more complex than you think. Students will become bored in a classroom that needs more innovation. Some specific talents are required for online teachings, such as having students actively participate in classroom interaction, studying hard, and sustaining interest in English. So, how can online lessons be made more interesting?
The question you may need to consider is:??
How do you strike a balance between teaching and having fun with your students?
1. Break down the lesson and make it easy to understand
One of the most important features of online teaching jobs is time management. Online courses must be broken down differently from face-to-face learning courses.
Long notes and slides with too much content can soon weary and bore students. Students learn and absorb more effectively when knowledge and information are broken down into small chunks. Including a variety of activities will also help the learning time fly by.
2. Adapt in-class activities to the virtual classroom
Meditation and reading texts are not appropriate for online classes because students may use this peaceful time to accomplish other impossible things, and long articles are difficult to read on the computer.
As a result, you have to alter classroom activities to accommodate the online teaching approach. For example, to ensure that your students are truly doing things, have them type or speak in response to your inquiries.
Remember, your class should not be silent for longer than three minutes.
3. Make your kids feel valued
Isolation is a factor that allows students to lose motivation to study because they believe that missing a class or logging out of the classroom to do something more appealing will go unnoticed, or, worse, that online teachers do not care what they do offline.
Here are some ideas for making your online students feel valued and cared for.
4. Set goals and assist your students in meeting them
Setting goals and reminding your students of their accomplishments will help them to continue learning or maintain a feeling of direction.
Setting Objectives for online learners
You must provide a clear overview for each session in order for students to learn about the scenario and the backdrop of any activities they are participating in. This is also a fantastic method to integrate short-term goals into the classroom.
You can use positive comments, badges, games, or other fun learning activities to reward students who complete tasks.?
Long-term goals are ineffective and impractical for engaging online lessons, but attempt to check in with students on their progress and create the next long-term goals together.
Online learners' progress checks
Revisions or quizzes on previous topics should be done on a regular basis to assess short-term development.
Creating a framework to work with students so that they can accelerate the process of achieving their long-term goals.
You can set up an achievement page where students can publish their accomplishments and accolades. You can ask kids to draw about what they've learned, and teens or adult learners can write study reviews.?
5. Make good use of technology!
Online teaching not only presents obstacles but also provides teachers with many strong digital tools. Discussion boards, pointers, virtual games, text editors, drawing tools, file editors, breakout rooms, and screen-sharing tools can all help to make your lesson more exciting and engaging for your students. Of course, you must first grasp how these virtual tools work and spend time teaching them to students so that they are comfortable using them. You might also consider using them as a prize to urge your students to study hard.
6. Present your finest (online) self
Every online teacher must consider how to seem clean and confident. A professional appearance will also gain you the respect of your students. However, online teachers may need to approach this issue differently than traditional teachers. Online teachers may require different techniques to deal with this challenge than offline ones.
Adjust your camera and posture so that the kids can see you clearly. Students can see your face to if you're paying attention and listening to them. Be patient, even though the steps can seem tedious. Furthermore, your visual assets, such as concise slides and high-definition video, must be of good quality.
A note-taking class tends to be boring and boring. Introducing new activities or altering the flow of your class by changing your tone and way of speech will bring the lesson to life. For example, tell stories with emotion, deliver orders sincerely, and praise loudly, even imitating cartoon characters' voices.
Furthermore, make certain that you intend to employ high-quality audio samples.
Finally, it goes without saying that your students will not hesitate to disconnect from the Internet if your online classroom is not connected to a dependable Internet connection.
7. Bring fun into the classroom
Finding techniques to motivate students can effectively involve online students in classroom activities similar to those in traditional classrooms. The best media for usage in real life can also be used in a virtual environment.
Discuss a specific topic, such as music or sports, that is related to what you do in real life. Dare to try new things and share them with your pupils until they find something that also works for them.
Give them some time to chill out and you'll feel a difference!