7 ways to make better sales calls
Sponge New Business
We've helped LOADS of agencies and companies to win more business.
1) Research
I know you've got tons of calls to make, but please don't just pick up the phone and dial. At the very least, open up your prospect's web site, take a look at just one of their case studies, and make a note of who they've worked for. Now you have some 'chit chat' ammo. Even if it's just a "I saw the work you did for [insert case study name here] and wanted to get in touch". That's it! See how little effort that took on your part and the difference it made? Now do that every time. You're welcome.
2) Be different
Don't list your services. Don't talk about how experienced you are. Don't talk about what's important to you. And - for the love of god - don't promise to bring something alive online. If you're the third sales call this prospect has endured today, at least say something interesting. Ask a good question. Name-drop some great work you produced. If you sound the same as the previous two cold calls, you'll get treated exactly the same.
3) Do as you promise
It might sound silly, but be ultra-organised and make sure that if you promise to call someone back at a specific time (or send them something) that you do exactly that. These very first signs of interest will soon wither if their first experience of interacting with you is you NOT doing what you said you would.
4) Schedule like a pro
If a prospect was kind enough to let you know their agency is up for review in February next year, make sure you note this, and set a remind to speak to them in January. Tiny snippets like this are hugely valuable, so don't just mark the prospect as 'not interested' and move on.
5) End questions quickly
Don't be tempted to add "or..." to a question. Ask your question and shut up. If you ask "In what circumstances do you outsource projects?" don't add, "... or does that never happen?" because any prospect will take the path of least resistance. Get comfortable with silence while the prospect thinks about their answer (or what objection to use next!)
6) Don't mention something you sent
If you sent some creds last week, don't call up and ask "did you get the creds I sent?". 1) If they did receive them, they clearly didn't make much of an impression because the prospect never replied. 2) There's a far better phycological advantage to be had by carry out your call and letting the prospect ask "didn't you send me something?". Yes, they remembered you! Now you can casually start talking about the work contained within.
7) Close with confidence
Be blunt; ask the question. This is a cold prospect - you've really got nothing to lose. If you get a solid honest answer, you can either move forward or at least clean up your database by removing this non-prospect. Don't offer easy ways out or delaying options. "Is there a real chance we can work together?". "When you review, does a company like mine stand a genuine chance of getting in the mix?" Be straight and most people will be straight back. if you're too wishy-washy you'll get a kind, half-answer that will leave you none the wiser when the call is done.
Good luck out there.