7 Ways a Life Coach Can Help You

7 Ways a Life Coach Can Help You

Why do I need a life coach? A life coach may seem like a vague term and if I’m perfectly honest, I cringe whenever I hear it, but the truth is that everything is a part of your life: Your career, your family, your relationships, your finances, your health, your personal growth, and leadership skills, so what aspects does a life coach help with?

7 Ways a Life Coach Can Help You

Try New Things

You might be feeling stuck in an aspect of your life, and maybe there is something that you wish you could change, but you just don’t know how to. A life coach can help you figure out where you are stuck in your life, gain a new perspective to get you unstuck, work with you to move forward with increased confidence and less stress while feeling motivated by your values versus your fears.

Manage Stress

Everyone has stress in their life, but if you are overwhelmed by stress, it can be debilitating. A life coach will help you with tools to process some of the emotions that are causing the stress but also help you to positively reframe stress – because we all need a little bit of tension in our lives to move towards the goals that we want to achieve. Not only will a coach help you manage stress but you will learn to thrive and make the most of the situations that are stressful.

Create Positive Habits

Have you ever noticed that you often know what makes you feel more energized and healthy in life (like going to the gym or eating healthy) and yet you lack the motivation to take the steps necessary to get started? A life coach will help you understand what is preventing you from doing what you know is good for you and help get you motivated. A coach will help you feel confident to go after what you truly want in your life and work and create a plan to hold yourself accountable to your goals.

Help You Start a New Path

If you are ready to make a significant change in your life but don’t know what that change is, a life coach can help you explore your values and the things that are the most important to you. A coach will develop a plan with you to create the life and career that you want and then map out the steps to get there. A life coach will help you not only define a new path that is right for you but also help build the confidence and motivation to overcome any obstacles that may arise along the way.

Increased Sense of Self-Worth

Some people have low self-esteem and don’t even realize it which negatively affects every aspect of their life. When you speak to a life coach, they will help you to develop a more objective and accurate assessment of the strengths and values (that you may not even be aware of) which will help you to redefine and have bigger goals and give you the motivation and confidence to achieve them.

Change the Way You Think

When you look at a situation, do you see the negative more than the positive? Do you recognize that this limits your opportunities? Just because you think that way now, doesn’t mean you always have to. A life coach will help you to look at situations differently and help you glide past the barriers that you have created for yourself which will open up new opportunities and possibilities in your life and career.

Move Past Emotional Pain

Most of us have experienced some form of emotional pain throughout our lives and have been taught to “suck it up.” What people often don’t realize is that this emotion that we’ve held onto for so long is taking up space and often keeps us from moving forward in our lives. Often emotions are not only painful to get past on our own but often have been there for so long that we are often not even aware of them. A life coach can help you look at and experience these emotions in a safe space which will create the space and energy to move forward in your life.

If you want to know more about what a life coach can do for you, give me a call. We can set-up a free, no obligation consultation that will allow you to understand what coaching is about and if I am the right coaching fit for you.


Jane Pak, Hon. B.A., CHRL, CPCC, CH的更多文章

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