7 ways to land a job in a tough economy
Landing a job during a tough economy may seem like an uphill battle. As many people are now out of work due to COVID-19 cutbacks, the competition in the job market has increased exponentially, leaving many to wonder if they will ever find a job again during the recession.
Do not despair. Although finding a job during a recession comes with its challenges, you have many amazing online tools available to help you meet the challenge. With the right attitude and with some hard work, you may find that you’re closer than you realize to landing your next job!
The following 7 tips and strategies will help you land a job during the 2021 recession.
1. Update Resume
It may seem simple enough but before you realize it, a resume can become outdated in just a few months, meaning you will need to give renewed attention to your resume. Do you need to update your telephone number, address or e-mail? Do you need to remove or add references, education or work experience? Can parts of your descriptions be phrased in a more coherent and logical way? Although it may take you a few hours to make the needed adjustments, you may find that the effort is worth it in the end!
In addition, why not give your resume a fresh new look? Here is a list of places to find some great Resume Design Templates for free!
Google Docs
If you want to hire an expert to rewrite or redesign your resume to make it stand out from the competition, you can find some affordable freelancers on FIVERR can help out!
2. Expand use of application submission sites
I remember getting stuck in a rut when applying for work back in 2009. At that time I was only using about 3 places to look for work and submit my resume but with no success.
Here are a few platforms you may want to consider using to get help looking for work.
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn has a great platform for applying for positions. You can upload your resume on the website and even use Easy Apply for jobs you don’t actually want to fill out an entire application for.
- Facebook: Facebook has expanded their platform to include job searching. You have to paste in your resume in the corresponding fields, but applying for job’s is very simple and may prove effective in your job search.
- Craigslist: Now we know that we should never meet anyone in private or travel to a new city without thoroughly vetting the company, as some people have fallen victim to murder and robbery after applying for job’s from the site. Despite that, many reputable companies still use Craigslist to look for prospective employees and it’s still a great tool. We just encourage you to apply with caution.
- City Jobs: Search for a job with the city on their official website. It could be the city you live in or a city you want to live in. City poisons often come with good benefits and are sometimes not most negatively impacted during a recession.
- Non Profit: Search for jobs from established non-profits. During a recession, many established non-profits have already secured years of funding and are still hiring during a recession. That being the case, try to secure a position. In addition to finding a job you may also be supporting a really good cause.
Put it out there. Let people know you're looking for work.
3. Put it out there
Let people know that you are looking for work! Don’t be shy or embarrassed to let others know that you have entered the job market and that you are willing and able to work!
- Post on social media that you are looking for work and ask your network to provide referrals or even interviews if possible. You may be surprised how your network will come through for you in your time of need!
- Ask friends and former employers and co-workers if they know of any open positions. Not only are they familiar with your experience but they can also vouch for you to a prospective future employer.
4. Offer your services as a freelancer
You know your skills and experience better than anyone else. Is it possible to do what you do as a freelancer? If so, why not try it out! You can create and publish a trendy free website using Wix.com. If design is not your thing, look at others who are doing what you want to do and copy their template! Just don’t copy their content. That can get you into some trouble.
5. Expand your experience
If you have not been able to find work in your area of expertise, are you willing to try something new?
- Willingness to work in a new profession will no doubt aid you in that you will now be able to apply for more jobs! I remember when I could not find a job in my field of education. So, during the summer, I applied for a job at a local theme park in their entertainment department. Although I was at first embarrassed that I was walking around the park as a stuffed animal and singing in their shows, it actually came to be some of my best working experiences that I look back on with great fondness.
- Willingness to take a lower position or a higher position shows great humility and demonstrates your flexibility. So, don’t be embarrassed to do something that seems beneath or above you. Use it as a new learning experience and try to learn something new from the position. It will help you expand your job search efforts and find joy in the new position you land.
6. Prepare well for the interview
Not to be underestimated is the interview. Once you’ve done all that hard work to land an interview you don’t want to just show up on the day without doing your homework or else all that other work would have been pointless. Here is what you need to do.
- Research the company and know its history. Find out how and why the company formed and learn of its most recent milestones. Taking a personal interest in the company shows the interviewer that you really want the job and that you are the best candidate for the position.
- Anticipate questions that may be asked during the interview and prepare well throughout responses that reflect knowledge yet modesty. You don’t want to come off as a know it all but you also don’t want to come off as an unprepared interviewee.
- Share key ways you plan on supporting the company's overall bottomline. This let the interviewer know that you have given some serious thought to your future with the company and that you plan on growing with the company.
- Share only positive experiences from previous employers even if you left on bad terms. This let’s the prospective employer know that you are not petty and that you possess wisdom and discretion that can be an aid to the company's overall brand.
7. Accept unpaid internship offers
Most people pass up on unpaid internships because they need money now! That does make sense but a good internship can open up doors or opportunities in industries you are perhaps hoping to set into.
- Be willing to do some online work as an unpaid intern to help you expand your resume and experience. That being the case, try to secure an internship online that requires minimal time investment so that you can still find paying work. So, not only does it not stop you from securing a paying job but it also aids you in your job search. To make it look good on the resume, don’t add the month you began the internship, just add the year.