7 Ways to Increase Self-Belief

7 Ways to Increase Self-Belief

7 Ways to Increase Self-Belief

Self-belief is very powerful! Every journey of self-confidence begins with self-belief. Without self-belief, self-confidence can never be achieved.

Want to increase your self-esteem? Here are things to do daily:

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Improve your self-talk.

Start your day with positive affirmations and learn to refocus your thoughts on something constructive.

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Surround yourself with positive people.

Don’t let negative people control the way you think about your life or your business. Remember, every negative person has a problem for every solution. Move on!

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Start a journal.

Start a journal to share your thoughts and challenges. Also, be sure to focus on writing about ways that you have been succeeding. When you are having a down day, go back to those entries and repeat the same habits of that day.

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Get over your perfectionism.

Perfectionism stops us from moving forward and completing projects. It paralyses us because we are so afraid of not being able to live up to a high standard. Instead, understand that there is no such thing as perfect and learn to know when something is good enough.

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Handle mistakes and failures in a more positive way.?

I like to use this example a lot when I talk about setting goals and it’s using a GPS. Say you’re driving and you take a wrong turn. Your GPS doesn’t say “you’re a loser, go home.” It re-calculates and gets you back on track. When you take a wrong turn in life or in your business, re-calculate.

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Be Kind to others.

When you spend time being more kind and loving to others, you start to learn to treat yourself a little kinder too. Be encouraging to others, do a good deed, or even just be a great listener to someone.

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Build your self-confidence.

When you begin building your confidence in multiple areas you start to see yourself as a more successful person. Becoming confident in your skills allows you to continue to see your value as a person and build your self-worth.

I'm Tracey Sofra and I believe women should take control of their money and create the financial independence they deserve to live a life of choice.

If you are ready to take the next step in your journey to living a life of choice take the Financial Confidence Quiz and find out how you score to move forward in your financial life.

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Tracey Sofra is Australia’s leading Financial Advisor specialising in Women’s Financial Confidence. As a Business Leader, Mentor, Financial Advisor, Author, Speaker, and Mum, for over three decades Tracey has shared her proven method for shifting mindsets and the limits to financial success for thousands of women. Her passion around financial freedom is infectious leaving you inspired to challenge the status quo, build confidence and create change. To enquire about her working with you or your organisation please contact us?at?[email protected]


