7 Ways to Improve Your Marketing...

7 Ways to Improve Your Marketing...

Many people want results fast. Stakeholders, Shareholders and investors are becoming more demanding. Many people want to schedule appointments, sales calls, fill their funnels, generate signups, registrations, sales and revenue and keep moving forwards and be able to present their progress every week to those stakeholders, shareholders and investors with accurate reporting of their marketing endeavours.

In a moment, I'll share a couple of videos I've got for you in this week's newsletter so get a pen and paper ready for the powerful practical exercises I share in each video. They will help you confirm where you are and to help identify what's holding you back and preventing the results you want from your lead generation, sales and marketing, but first...


1. Encourage people to trust you.

Give them a reason to want to get to know you, and give them a reason to trust you. Testimonials can help. A Money back guarantee can help. Offering a?FREE?trial or download can help. Start raising your profile, and visibility by blogging, writing articles, networking, attending events, exhibitions, hosting workshops etc.

Be different. Offer something different. Stop offering features. Start offering real benefits.

Do you empathise with your target audience, do you know the problems they have, and can you genuinely help them? Do you serve to help? Or do you serve to control? What tactics can you use to get people talking about you and referring you to others who need help in the area you specialise in?

2. Only Sell to those who need what you offer

If they don’t want it - Don’t push it. But if they need it, and they don’t just recognise that they need it, think how you can demonstrate or prove the value you offer. Think how you can allow them to come to the conclusion that they have a need for what you offer - for the cost in not acting or choosing one of your solutions will be much more expensive in the long run. You certainly don’t want to waste time and money going to appointments to drink their coffee, waste their time and yours if it could have been decided hours, days or weeks ago whether they were interested in what you have to offer or not, and whether they?need?what you offer or not.

3. Promote the value you offer, not the price

Many simply don't recognise the value you offer. Calculate and demonstrate the opportunity cost, or the real cost in not acting. Calculate and demonstrate the saving or efficiency you offer, and/or the inefficiency, waste or spiralling cost or loss in not working with you.?Try this - Write down how much you want to generate in sales in the next 12 months - go on, write it down.?Write down how much you want to earn in revenues in the next 12 months. Done it? OK, good, now write down what your annual revenue is now. Go on, write down what your annual revenue is now. Done that? Excellent.?Now Subtract your second answer from the first answer.?That’s how much you’re losing or not generating now - How can you illustrate that point with your clients? More importantly, how are you going to generate those revenues you want? Whats the plan for them, and what’s the plan for you?

4. Demonstrate your solution works.

Prove it. Demonstrate it. Give them reason to. Offer a sample, a puppy dog close - a?FREE?trial. See 3 above. Show them the hundreds of testimonials you have, or all the videos you have on You Tube, links to your previous blogs - so they can sample you, what you know, what you’ve achieved and what you believe in - People buy from people they like. Your prospects want 3 things - Confidence. Progress and Results - so give it to them. Give them the confidence they crave - and that you can help them to achieve the progress and the results you offer. Quite often they simply don’t know what it is they want because they don’t where they’re at, or where they’ve been, and thus they don’t know where they’re heading. So why not help them do that - it starts by building confidence in your prospect’s mind so that they can start to make progress and know that by workign together will lead to even bigger and better results. Allow them to experience the help, guidance and support you offer, and how much you go the extra mile in order to nurture the relationship.

5. Stop Being Reactive.

Plan in advance. Illustrate and demonstrate the cost in not acting now. Introduce scarcity, limited stocks, impending price increase, delayed delivery times in not acting - Ask “why” the timing isn’t good - to draw out the real reasons or objections and not just the excuses. Offer a discount to commit today, but accept delivery in 1,2 or 4 months time. Will the “timing” ever be right, will the cost of their pain increase in the meantime/interim? What was your answer in that little exercise in 3 above - how much of a gap is there where your prospects are now, and where they want to be, more importantly, do they know what they want and know how you can help them achieve it?

6. Help them find the money

Remind them of the cost in not acting. Introduce a discount for prepayment. Offer?Split?payment terms. Offer a Finance option, a Lease option, subtract or take away some of the value you offer, for a lesser offer or lesser price. Ask them on a scale of 1-10 how serious they are wanting to solve the problem, and how much they can afford to lose or continue to lose compared to the price you charge. Why not offer them a 100% return on their investment?

7. Find and answer the un-asked questions

Un-asked questions prevent sales from happening, so draw out the questions in advance via a list of frequently asked questions on your website, pre-empt the questions durign your presentation by saying “you’re probably wondering….well, what we do is….”, Un-answered Questions can be eliminated by identifying the un-asked questions, and answering them before the prospect even thinks of them. Un-answered questions are usually a lack of product knowledge or more importantly, a lack of belief in the product or lack of research in your customer’s needs. More importantly, what questions have you forgotten to ask about your prospects, to ensure you qualify them thoroughly enough, so you dont waste their time, and they dont waste yours?

What's the next marketing goal or objective that you want to achieve?


As I said above, many people are struggling to revitalise their marketing activities, to plan, document, and execute a practical plan of action. For many there are 2 variables they need to manage - time and money. If you want a better ROI & ROAS from your marketing then watch this short video, take notes then most importantly, Take Action - Click HERE.


If you're struggling with generating leads on Linkedin, raising your profile and if you're simply not following up people who visit your Linkedin profile, then wakey wakey, I've got something that might just help. My book got to #1 for its category in 9 countries on Amazon, and in the image below I share some of the results I achieved. What will you achieve with the book. To get it directly from Amazon, simply click the image or HERE.

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And yes, these are the actually daily NEW connections over a week :)


As I said above, time costs money, and both time and money are valuable commodities we need to manage and especially online. Many people get confused, perplexed or overwhelmed by all things marketing, technology and automation especially when they are over 10,000 disparate solutions in the market place. You need to simply your martech, reduce waste, bottlenecks and duplication of effort to lower costs & increase ROI. Watch the video below, then Click HERE.


Many people who can position themselves as an expert in their industry, sector or niche, can raise their profile on Linkedin, generate engagement, pull individuals to their profile, even schedule a sales call, appointment or chat, but they fail to close the sale, they faily to follow up and many simply do not have a proven system to remain in control on their zoom calls, skype calls, messenger calls, telephone calls or appointments sitting in the prospect's office. How much is 1, 5 or 12 new clients worth to you? Watch the video then click HERE.

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To watch the video, click the image above or CLICK HERE.


When it comes to marketing, many people need to change to do the way things, for over th elast 2 years everything has changed in the way we do business. Many change their modus operandi online, many restructure their business, others change personnel in their team, staff or agency. Unfortunately, many simply do not change to a more positive marketing mindset, and they maintain the same old beliefs, habits and selfish marketing tactics that do not give them the permanent breakthroughs and results they crave. Do not make the same mistake. Download my FREE Book and get on point, on form & on fire to transform your marketing.

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Many people struggle to generate backlinks, traffic, signups, appointments, sales, revenue and revenue online. Others struggle to raise their profile, position themselves as an expert in their industry, sector and niche, and many don't generate the engagement they want or follow up people who visit their profile. Some haven't even updated their profile for over 2 years - since before Covid. If you want help, watch the video then click HERE.

Stop struggling with your social media marketing


Can you think of Nike's tagline? Can you think of Tesco's slogan? Many businesses of all shapes and sizes in many different industries have a slogan or tagline. Even we do to use us as a wee example - "You Know it Makes Sense. It Stacks Up .com", but what about you...?

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During The early part of the Covid-19 pandemic I wrote a book with the chief executive of the 5th largest bank in the Seychelles to help people to get out and stay out of debt. Many people don't know their true financial position, worse many do not have a practical plan of action for reducing and eliminating debt, improve cashflow or in adding new revenue streams for their business. If you need help, then watch the video then click HERE.

Get out and stay out of debt


If you're struggling with sales, marketing, social media marketing or need help to plan, document, automate or execute your marketing then please get in touch for a FREE chat to discuss how we might be able to help you, and if I can't I'll tell you up front as I know your time is valuable. Go on, click the image below or HERE.

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Many thanks for all your past, present and future support. And remember, if you need help, just ask. Oh, and 4 quick questions...

Have you found a benefit from this issue of my newsletter?

Do you think others in your network would benefit from receiving my newsletter?

Would you be prepared to recommend (and share) it with others?

Who are the first two people that you know who could benefit from it?


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