7 Ways Employers Can Make Layoffs Less Stressful
A reduction in workforce is always a blow to employee morale.? However, there are steps you can take to make layoffs less painful.? Unsurprisingly, the single most important thing you can do is to have transparent, clear, and consistent communication throughout the process, not only with those who are affected, but with the entire organization.? The retained employees will be feeling a lot of uncertainty, and will be watching carefully how you handle the layoffs, which can make a big difference in whether or not they decide to stay, and the reputation your company will have among jobseekers in the future who speak with past and present employees before applying.
Below are seven things employers can do to make layoffs easier.
Be Transparent, Clear, and Consistent
You will want to work with the legal and HR departments to decide on how and when to inform employees that layoffs will occur.? However, the reasons, timelines, and extent of the reduction should be consistent. ? Provide the same information to those who are affected, and those who will remain.? The message should also be the same across departments and between different managers so that everyone, regardless of who they ask, gets the same information.? This transparency, consistency, and clarity will reduce speculation and rumors, since everyone will be hearing the same message.
Disclose Timelines and Expectations
One way to reduce the anxiety of a layoff is by providing clear timelines and expectations for those who will be let go.? For larger companies with extensive layoffs, the WARN Act requires at least 60 days notice.? Even if your company does not meet these legal requirements, consider providing these 60 days anyway, as it gives employees time to process, plan, and prepare.? Whatever your timeline is, be sure to let affected employees know in the initial meeting and in writing the following information:
- The official last day of work
- When & where to return company property/equipment such as laptops
- When final paychecks will be sent
- When any severance packages will go into effect
- When insurance will be discontinued?
- What needs to be completed before their last day of work
- Who they can go to with questions/concerns about the process
If some of this information is in flux, or might change, be sure to indicate that as well, and let them know this is the best information you have at the moment, but that there may be changes and you will communicate those as soon as possible.
Connect to External Resources
You will also want to include information on external resources they can turn to for help during the transition.? Let them know how and where to file for unemployment.? Give them information on how to sign up for COBRA to extend their healthcare coverage. Point them to online resource groups for other people who have been laid off recently or in the same industry.
Conduct exit interviews and standard offboarding.
If you already have offboarding processes in place, such as exit interviews, do them.? Treat the departing employees the same way you would any other employee who was leaving.? There are always valuable insights to be had about your company culture, the experience of working at your company and suggestions for improvement that you can glean from having an open and honest final interview.? Be prepared to listen, and respect those who politely decline to comment or have strong and negative opinions.? Often just having the ability to express how the process has made them feel, and knowing that it is being taken seriously and could potentially help future colleagues can be enough to defuse some of the anger and frustration that inevitable comes from being laid off. However,this only works if the company is genuinely interested in this feedback and actively provides a safe space for these conversations.? This may mean bringing in a third party to mediate or conduct the exit interview, or you may get further with selecting a trusted work friend to conduct the interview on behalf of HR or the Manager.? You will know what is right for your team.
Let Everyone Say Goodbye
Everyone wants the chance to say goodbye in their own way.? This might be a formal goodbye event or party or lunch with the team, or it might be individual conversations on the way out.? However the employee, team or department chooses to say goodbye, be supportive and provide the space and time for it to happen.? Although there may be some risks in letting people back into the office or lab, being escorted out and handed a box of your stuff thrown together by someone else is demeaning and dehumanizing.? Show employees the respect they deserve and let them say goodbye on their own terms.? You can have security on call as a back up if you are really concerned.
Offer References and Connections
Let the employee know you want the best for them by offering to provide references or connections if it makes sense to do so.? Let them know what your expectations are around future contact/connections.? If they want a reference should they email you at the company email?? Should they connect on LinkedIn and ask there?? Be clear with the kind of help you are willing to offer, and how and when you can be reached.
Provide Outplacement Services
Another way to show employees you care is by offering outplacement services.? These can help the employee figure out their longer term career goals and provide them with structured steps on how to reach them. ? This can include resume and interview support as well as general career advice.? Seek outplacement providers that specialise in your industry, who can provide highly relevant advice.? Programs that offer a combination of self-serve asynchronous learning, and one-on-one or group meetings either in person or virtual are best since they allow employees to engage with the services at the level that best suits their needs.? Consider making the services available either right away, or after the person has had time to process and unplug.? These services are most effective when the employee is ready to engage, which is not necessarily right away.
**If you are interested in providing outplacement services for your affected employees, Scismic can help. Schedule a call to see if it would be helpful for your team.