7 Ways to Build Stronger Teams
by Jackie Rainforth of Rainmakers Business Solutions

7 Ways to Build Stronger Teams

Last week we spoke about HOW DO YOU RATE AS A BOSS?  And from the statistics, it is clear that there are a lot of employees out there that feel their bosses aren’t doing a good job. It wasn’t about assigning a number, it was about giving you the opportunity to look at how you perceive yourself as a boss, how your employees would rate you, and how you or other Managers, Supervisors or Team Leads would rate as a boss.  

Today we are going to take a different perspective. Today we are going to talk about the ways Successful leaders take to produce high performing, more successful, engaged, and happier teams. If you want a stronger team, you may want to look at these and start doing some of the following:

1.      DEFINE YOUR VISION TO THE TEAMS: Every organization should have their vision posted on the wall. If you are a supervisor, manager or team lead, create a VISION FOR YOUR TEAM. Talk about how their efforts, and actions are contributing to a bigger cause. How their actions and contribution are creating benefits for the customers, the company and even themselves!! And REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT!!! Vision needs to be discussed at every meeting as part of everyday conversation. Everyone wants to be part of something bigger than themselves! 

2.      DEFINE ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOUR THROUGH STORY OR EXAMPLE:   Let them know on a macro level that NEGATIVE BEHAVIOUR will not be tolerated. Don’t call them out, simply tell them a story about your experience. “Once on a job site we had this supervisor that would get angry and call us every name in the book.” 

Tell them how that made you feel. Tell them WHY… “Yelling at or insulting others is not acceptable on any level, especially on your team”. There are ways to discretely get your point across. Let them know that Swag is to be shared by everyone… your leaders should know that it you want to create a loyal and dedicated team… make sure all schwag goes to the employees first!! The perk you pass forward will pay back in huge dividends. 

3.      ‘TEAM FIRST’ ORGANIZATION: Let them know ‘We operate as a team…’, there is no room for entitlement and hierarchy advantages. Again, all supervisors and managers should pass on special events etc, and make sure they are given to the employees. As a leader can do something private for your supervisors and managers. Passing the ‘special events’ to the employees will come back tenfold in terms of employee loyalty, dedication, and positive morale both for the team, and the organization.

4.      WALK THE TALK: If you want amazing teams… gaining RESPECT is the key! How do you do that??  Get out on the floor, or out on the site with your employees!! If you are a Sales Manager, go out on calls.  Yes get down and dirty. work side by side with your employees. You will be amazed how the energy, loyalty and dedication to you as a manager will improve! 

5.      ONE on ONE CONVERSATIONS: Both formal and informal. Leave your office, join the conversation at the water cooler. Be genuine and authentic in your pursuit of understanding your employees. What is important to them, what gives them joy. Ask about their families. Encourage your Supervisors and Managers to have one on one conversations with people. #1 Rule …Don’t talk about work. Don’t talk about work…Talk about them. Encourage them to ask questions about their family, what hobbies they have, what is important to them. Get to know your employees as individuals. Encourage your Supervisors and Managers to talk to one employee per week.

6.      FORMAL ONE ON ONE CONVERSATIONS: Ask “what are the top three things you like about your job and or organization?” “What are the top 3 things you don’t like about your job and or company/organization?” They may or may no open up… but who knows.. you may get some incredible feedback that will help you make their job and their environment better. They may not open up, but you have made the effort. They know that you care, and that their opinion matters! 

7.      PROVIDE CAREER DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING. Companies are becoming flatter organizations with less opportunity for advancement.  When an employee can advance, it is a big deal. Don’t assume you know what career advancement is for someone. ASK!! Maybe it is a computer course, maybe it is a Management course. What about a formal Mentorship Program. Career Development doesn’t have to be a new title. Help others grow and learn. Help them achieve their goals and dreams and you will be shocked by the loyalty, dedication and positive effect it can have on your teams!

Successful Managers and Supervisors put their team members first, and understand the importance and benefits of building strong teams. Try some of the above. Ask questions, build genuine rapport. Successful leaders know that it increases engagement, enthusiasm and builds stronger, happier, and healthier teams!  Hopefully that will translate into improved morale, productivity and retention levels, all of which mean improvement in profitability.    


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