7 Ways to Build Strong Teams
Strong teams have solid growth, low turnover and robust profit. They work as a cohesive unit. These teams understand they are not a sum of each part, but act as a synergistic multiplier. Strong teams are built from the inside out. They are developed, grown and cultivated with purpose. Here are seven themes I have found they have in common.
Strong teams use accountability to grow and empower.
Commit to recognizing, engaging, supporting each person. Create a sense of accountability for never ending growth among your team members. Take the time to shape them into the very best at what they do. Be direct in sharing what works and doesn’t work with each person. Hold everyone on the team accountable to the standards they set and the goals you know they can achieve.
Strong teams build strong loyalty.
Develop trust based relationships with your team members. Help them to believe in you and your leadership abilities. Look for ways to connect with them beyond business. Loyalty is built with fostering trust and in shared memories. Take the time to get to know your people. If you know someone likes musicals, instead of buying two tickets and sending them, buy four and go with them. They will remember the shared memory forever. We forget who gave us the ticket. We remember who was with us at the event.
Strong teams establish clear priorities and goals.
Help your team members understand what they are working toward so that they can focus on the most important priorities and achieve their goals. Their goals should be individually driven and based on their needs and drive, not yours. The collective whole of everyone’s goals becomes the team’s goal. If your appetite is great, then growth of the team is necessary.
Strong teams set high standards for behavior and attitude.
Set standards for your team that establish clarity and focus, while inspiring the behaviors that drive results. Remember each person on the team reflects on everyone else. Root out bad attitudes and bad behavior immediately. Spend some time at each team meeting honoring examples of team members who went above and beyond. Reinforce the good, cut the bad.
Strong teams coach toward consistent growth.
Help your team members excel in ways that surpass the requirements of their roles. Inspire them and offer challenges that will help them achieve their full potential. Ask each person where they want to be in five years and then help them get there.
Strong teams drive the development of culture.
Take charge of building the culture you want to see. Develop a culture that prioritizes growth, accountability and the celebration of achievement. Choose to see success in areas beyond the work space. Make time to acknowledge the personal, physical, financial, spiritual and relational growth of your team members.
Strong teams connect to a greater cause.
People will work harder and give more when they are doing it for something bigger than themselves. Connect your team to a purpose that will help them recognize the value and importance of their individual contribution. This goes way beyond the team’s monetary success or adopting a charity. It goes to the “why†the team does what it does. Almost inevitably, you will find an obsession to serve the client with excellence as a core obsession.
Strong teams out perform weak ones 10 to 1. Reject monuments built to ego. They are designed around the fundamentals of great teamwork. Each member knows their role and excels at it. The standards are high. Turnover is rare. Expect and realize growth with these seven ways to build a strong team.