7 Ways to Boost Your Confidence Right Now!

7 Ways to Boost Your Confidence Right Now!

Do you feel like your career has stalled? If so, you’re probably feeling a distinct lack of confidence, as well. The two things almost always go hand in hand. 

You may be wondering which came first — did a lack of confidence lead to you spinning your wheels? Or did the loss of your career momentum deplete your confidence? 

Here’s the truth: It actually doesn’t matter how it happened! What matters is that you don’t have to stay stuck, and you don’t have to keep living and working with an absence of confidence. 

Regardless of how you got to where you find yourself today, one of the best ways to get back on track and begin building your personal brand is to start boosting your confidence. And you can begin the process right now by taking some simple actions.

You Can Do It!

Yes, you can feel confident again! Believe me. I work with people all the time who come to me feeling like there’s no way forward in their careers. They are drained emotionally, physically and professionally, but they have a spark inside them that can turn into a powerful bolt of lightning, given the right strategies and a willingness to shift their mindsets. I have seen powerful transformations take place, and each one has begun with a little bit of a confidence boost. You have that spark, too, and the following tips will help you nurture it in a way that gives your confidence an undeniable influx of energy.

#1 — Start Paying Attention to Your Inner Authentic Voice

You know the voice I’m talking about — it’s the one that brought you here today in search of a way forward. It’s the one that keeps you going despite all of your fears and reservations. It’s the truth that lives inside of you. It’s the expression of your authenticity. 

You’re feeling a lack of confidence because you’ve suppressed that voice and have begun to believe that its guidance is silly, irrational, impractical or not conducive to the status quo. But you don’t want to maintain the status quo; you want to subvert it and transcend to a new level, personally and professionally. That voice inside of you was guiding you during the times in your life and career when you reached your proudest achievements. Tune into it now and let it guide you again!

#2 — Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say

Once you’ve tapped into your inner authentic voice again, it’s time to start expressing your truth outwardly. Identify your deepest values and express them honestly. Speak with integrity and don’t be afraid to let others know you have a vision. I understand that you may have fallen into a rut where speaking your truth terrifies you. The only way out of that rut and into a realm of greater confidence is to start using your authentic voice in a way that others can hear it loudly and clearly.

#3 — Follow Your Curiosity

When you kill your curiosity, you kill your confidence. When I encounter people who have lost confidence, I almost always find that they have grown accustomed to doing what everybody else says they should do. They don’t speak up with new ideas or methods, and they avoid taking steps down the path of curiosity. They may wonder what it would be like to take a new approach or attempt an unconventional method, but they fail to follow through. You can boost your confidence considerably by tuning into your curiosity, nurturing it and following it where it wants to take you.

#4 — Visualize Your Best Self

Visualization is a simple, yet powerful tool that can help you boost your confidence and achieve your goals. Confidence rises when you experience positive developments in your work and life. It can also rise when you envision the life and career you truly want. By visualizing your personal best-case scenarios, you create mental impressions that expand your awareness and tell your brain that you’re deserving of the things you would find most fulfilling. This gives your confidence a mighty push in the right direction!

#5 — Do Something That Scares You

What’s something that you’ve been wanting to do, but have avoided because of fear? Maybe it’s something as simple as trying a new menu item at your favorite lunch spot. Or perhaps it’s something a little more adventurous like asking for a more prominent role in a project at work where you’ve been biding your time on the margins. 

I’m not suggesting that you should be reckless or put yourself in danger; I’m saying that many of your fears are only as scary as your willingness to give them power. Start small and work your way up the fear ladder. You will find that you’re capable of much more than you’ve been giving yourself credit for, and you will surely begin to feel a surge of confidence!

#6 — Practice Positive Reflection

Taking time to reflect on your accomplishments is a terrific way to recalibrate your confidence. That’s why I suggest looking backward and inward to rediscover your worth. What accomplishments have you achieved? What challenges have you overcome? What steps have you taken already to build your awareness and strength? 

The way you see yourself when you’re feeling a lack of confidence is a distorted version of reality. Examining your past and taking stock of your hidden, inner strength will give you a more accurate and inspiring view of yourself.

#7 — Invest in Yourself and Your Knowledge

I often encounter individuals who feel stuck not sure where they fit in and where to focus. They tend to be focusing on the "Stuck" part and continue to spin their wheels. If this describes you, I would challenge you to rethink and reframe your approach. Investing in your knowledge and expertise can stretch the limits of your thinking and abilities. Take time to learn a new subject, read books related to new skills you’d like to attain and pay special attention to areas that intimidate you. Making this investment in your knowledge base builds courage and inner strength, which, in turn, will give you a serious confidence boost!

Need More Confidence-Boosting Help and Advice? 

Confidence and courage are essential aspects of your ability to move your career to the next level. I challenge you to dig deep inside of yourself and courageously explore the areas that you feel are lacking. Our society does us no favors when it comes to feeling confident about ourselves, so it’s up to us as individuals to act courageously, practice positive self talk and ultimately tap into our hidden wells of confidence. 

Almost all of the people I have coached came to me feeling disempowered and unable to tap into their confidence. It can feel impossible to overcome, but I know that boosting your confidence can happen by taking just a few small steps. Pick one thing....and make it your next step. Once you start building your confidence again, it will grow by leaps and bounds!

 Are you curious about how you can take more action to boost your confidence and escape your current rut? I’d love to chat with you! Just click here to access my calendar and schedule a free 30-minute discovery call.

Pamela Simons, MBA

Toronto + International Real Estate; Indigenous Treaty 3 Member (Off Reserve) Shoal Lake #40; Founder: WorkPlayToronto.ca; Lifelong Educator/Learner

5 年

Always nice to read great tips!!! Thank you for sharing.



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