7 Unwanted Emotions and the Uncommon Advice To Overcome Them
Tara Lynn Thompson
Author of Not Another Superhero, Just Another Sidekick, and Always Another Villain
You don't want to feel what you feel, but you do. You don't want this emotion, but you've got it.
Oh, I've been there, am there, was there, will be there again. Rotten feelings are normal and expected. But that doesn't mean we have to like it. Or succumb without a fight.
When negative emotions get their hook in, we need a way to yank them out.
Painlessly would be groovy.
At the very least, thoroughly.
First and foremost, I recommend prayer and honest, quiet, focused scripture reading. But, sometimes, we need to add some fresh perspective to the mix. We need someone not in our head to give us a new viewpoint.
Recently, I had a series of meet-ups with friends. All of whom are brilliant. Brilliant and interesting. A necessary combination.
After each conversation, it struck me how all their insight, advice, or just conversational thoughts - collectively - touched on a variety of negative emotions all of us face. And usually repetitively.
It was stuff too good not to share. So...my friends...here's some words from...my friends...on dealing with 7 of the most common negative emotions:
When you feel Defeated:
“You’ve got to live your life. Not anyone else’s. That means it moves at your unique pace. And there’s nothing at all wrong with that."
I loved this freeing thought because I'm definitely at war with time. I have exactly one clock in my house. One. That's all I can stomach. But, even though time is rarely our friend, it doesn't have to be our captor.
When you feel Jealous:
“The way I look at it, I still have something to work toward that others with more than me don't. I haven’t achieved everything I want in life, yet. That means I have desires that motivate me to keep moving forward and gives me something to look forward to experiencing."
This thought reminds me of a scene in Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael, a movie my girlfriends and I watched too many times in our teen years.
Gerald Howells: Gosh, I want to kiss you so bad, Dinky.
Dinky Bossetti: It's good to want things.
When you feel Anxious:
“Your shoulda’s will kill you. I should’a done this, I should’a achieved that, I should’a had that by now. That’s what builds anxiety. You have to stop setting these rules and simply accept your pace of life.”
Those shouda's really will kill you.
When you feel Confused:
“We don’t see things the way they are. We see things the way we are."
Acceptance is the first step to recovery. And clarify.
When you feel Disappointed:
“When you look at the horizon, all you can see is a comparison of where you are and where others are. And you’ve got to let it all go. God wants to step in, but He’s waiting for us to move out of the way.”
That song from Frozen got stuck in my head for a solid four hours after.
?When you feel Hopeless:
“The relationship was dead. I’d given up. There was no saving it. But God showed up and, I tell you, it’s amazing what He can do.”
Hope until the end. Hope with your last breath. Life is simply too mean, too harsh, too cruel to face it without hope. And, make no mistake, holding on to hope may be the hardest thing you'll ever do.
When you feel Offended:
“Don’t you need confrontation to face things you haven’t faced on your own?”
It's time for brutal truth to make a comeback.
I'll leave you with one of my own favorite quotes. I honestly don't know if I compiled it from a compilation of scripture and other quotes or I stole it verbatim. But it's awesome so I'll take credit until I'm challenged:
When you feel Despair:
"God loves doing the impossible because He's the only one who can."
Until next week.