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In the previous article, we went through the first three types of customers in marketing and sales with Ngoc: "Naive and Polite Customers," "Suspicious Customers," and "Hesitant Customers," and how to persuade them. This article will continue with the remaining four types of customers.

Type of Bargaining Customer:

Portrait of the Bargaining Customer in the 7 Common Customer Types
Portrait of the Bargaining Customer in the 7 Common Customer Types

For this type of customer, most are people who have been overcharged in the past, so they bargain to minimize the risk of being overcharged again.

When dealing with this customer, start with a very high price. During the negotiation, you should eventually bring the price down to around half of the initial price, as they will be satisfied with winning a mental battle. The winner here is the customer. You need to make them believe that the price is worth the product and that they are winning in terms of pricing. Make them feel that they are getting a better deal than other customers buying the same product. Create a unique experience for them, like offering free delivery only for today, and emphasize that it will be delivered right on time without any extra charges.

A bargaining customer can also become a naive customer if you address their “overcharged” mentality. If not, they may turn into a suspicious customer. In that case, communicate with them as you would with a suspicious customer but only regarding pricing.

Type of Show-Off Customer:

Portrait of the Show-Off Customer in the 7 Common Customer Types
Portrait of the Show-Off Customer in the 7 Common Customer Types

This type of customer is arrogant and always wants to show that they know everything. They always seek praise and attention. Therefore, pleasing this customer is not difficult—just listen to their bragging and actively compliment the item they have chosen.

Suggest questions about the product they are buying, its origin, and ensure they can answer. This will boost their ego, making them more likely to become profitable customers.

For this type of customer, you should relax because some of their bragging might be exaggerated or incorrect. What you need to do is align with what they know about the product, appeal to their self-esteem, and they will become the first type of customer—naive and always following your purchase guidance.

Type of Impulsive Customer:

Portrait of the Impulsive Customer in the 7 Common Customer Types
Portrait of the Impulsive Customer in the 7 Common Customer Types

This type of customer often makes decisions on a whim. Therefore, you need to elevate their emotions and close the deal when they are at their most excited peak.

An impulsive customer can become any of the five types mentioned above, depending on their current mood. Therefore, you need to engage with them for a while and choose the moment they are most enthusiastic to guide them according to your wishes.

Type of Agreeable Customer:

Portrait of the Agreeable Customer in the 7 Common Customer Types
Portrait of the Agreeable Customer in the 7 Common Customer Types

This is the most challenging customer type to conquer. They never oppose anything and always agree with you on everything, yet they may have different decisions internally.

To work with this type of customer, avoid talking too much about the product. Instead, ask: “Sir, would you mind if I ask you a question? Why haven’t you decided to seize this opportunity, buy the product, and enjoy its benefits?”

This customer will react in one of two ways: “It’s because…” which will guide your next steps, or they might say: “What makes you think I’m not buying it?” If they respond this way, all you need to do is write the order.

The agreeable customer is the hardest to conquer because you don’t grasp their thoughts from the beginning. They always use short responses like “uhm” or “oh” and then decide based on their own thoughts. They are challenging because they don’t react strongly like a suspicious customer, are not as indecisive as a hesitant customer, and don’t show off like a bragging customer. To persuade them, you must make them articulate their thoughts before making a decision based on those thoughts.

The Fool - Easy Knowledge Channel

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