#7 - Top 10 Leadership qualities as highlighted by leadership teams

#7 - Top 10 Leadership qualities as highlighted by leadership teams

Quality 7: Good leaders are great relationship builders

If influence is power, then relationship-building oils the wheels. Great leaders know the power of effective networking and building strategic connections. They use every opportunity to build connections with a diverse group of people at different levels in the organization. Building genuine relationships with staff, peers, stakeholders and others encourages early insights and benefits within successful associations.

Good networking and strong relationships promote more loyalty, free exchange of information, tips and work. People support those with whom they have good relations. They are also more cooperative and understanding when problems arise.?

Effective leaders take the time to build trust and get to know and really understand their staff – how they think, how they operate, what they stand for.? They also know that their staff are their eyes and ears beyond the company walls, and information gathered early enough can provide a competitive edge. They actively work on building mutual trust, mutual respect, and mutual teamwork with staff. They know how to get the best out of them and are flexible enough to know that different approaches work better with some than others.

They appreciate that everyone comes from different backgrounds and experiences, and therefore sees the world in unique ways. They have range and flexibility. Master communicators adapt themselves to the individuals in front of them, so that their message ‘lands’ appropriately and is ‘heard’ by the recipient. If they only communicate in one way, they lose everyone who doesn’t share that ‘language’ and perspective. They know how to appreciate everyone’s strength and use that strength to create high functioning, fully committed teams.?

Good leaders make others feel important and appreciated.? They are well-mannered and pay common courtesies, saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ regularly. They greet their staff and ask about their families and weekends.? They take the trouble to see the individuals behind the titles and job functions. They demonstrate humanity.?

Studies show that a regular 15-minute contact with the boss is vitally motivating for people – coming in a close second to their employment packages (see HBR). Read HBS’ article around how you can create and manage great 1:1s or listen to the podcast version.

Great leaders know that hard work, producing results and maintaining a good track record isn’t enough. Effective relationship-building is the key to success, not only in in the workplace, but in life.?

I am personally convinced that one person can be a change catalyst, a "transformer" in any situation, any organization. Such an individual is yeast that can leaven an entire loaf. It requires vision, initiative, patience, respect, persistence, courage, and faith to be a transforming leader. ~ Stephen R. Covey

What’s your perspective? Join the conversation.

  • What do I need to do to become an outstanding relationship builder???

  • How does this benefit me, the team, the organisation, and any other stakeholders we have??

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