7 Resume Writing Tips For When You are Over 50

7 Resume Writing Tips For When You are Over 50

If you are updating an old resume or creating a new one after years of not needing one, be aware that a resume at 50 plus is not the same as when you were 30. You may feel compelled to want to inform the reader of all your years of experience because that is a major asset, right? Well you may be surprised to read that while that is technically correct, it is only an asset as far as the resume screener sees the direct application of all that experience to the specific job you are applying for.?

Read on for more tips on the common mistakes that people over 50 make when writing a resume.

1. Lengthy work history

While it's important to highlight your experience, including an excessively long work history can make your resume lengthy and overwhelming. If you can't put it all on 2 pages than it is too long! Focus on relevant and recent roles, ideally from the past 10-15 years, and highlight the skills and accomplishments that are most applicable to the job you're applying for. Feel free to drop off the jobs you held at the beginning of your career.

2. Outdated formatting

Using an outdated resume format can make you appear out of touch with current practices. Avoid using old-fashioned fonts such as Tmes Roman. Instead try Nunito, Barlow or Roboto?. Opt for a clean, modern layout that's easy to read and utilize current resume trends. For great examples, check out the rocket50 templates in our AI Resume Writer.

3. Irrelevant or outdated skills

Including outdated or irrelevant skills can dilute the impact of your resume. Tailor your skill section to highlight the specific qualifications and proficiencies that are most relevant to the position you're targeting. Focus on industry-specific skills and those that are in demand currently. Focus on stating accomplishments that demonstrate the skill you used and the achievement that was the result of you using that skill.

4. Omitting recent training or education

Failure to include recent training, workshops, or certification programs can lead potential employers to believe you haven't stayed up-to-date with industry advancements. Include any relevant professional development activities to show your commitment to continuous learning and growth. Always place your Education, Training and Langauges spoken at the end of your resume.

5. Overemphasis on early career

While it's important to showcase your experience, dedicating excessive space to the early stages of your career can take the focus away from your more recent and relevant accomplishments. Emphasize your recent achievements and highlight experiences that demonstrate your value as a candidate.

6. Excessive details

Providing excessive and irrelevant details can overwhelm employers and make it difficult for them to extract the key information. Be concise and only include relevant information - focusing on accomplishments, responsibilities, and skills that are most pertinent to the job you're applying for. Stick to 4-6 bullet points max.

7. Lack of technology proficiency

In today's digital age, having basic technology skills is essential. Make sure to highlight your proficiency with commonly used software, apps, and other digital tools, especially if they are relevant to the job you're applying for. This will show employers that you are adaptable and able to work with current technologies.

To avoid these mistakes, carefully review and update your resume, tailor it to the specific job you're targeting, and seek feedback from trusted individuals, such as career advisors or mentors. This will help ensure your resume effectively showcases your skills, experience, and value, making a strong impression on potential employers.

When you want to beat the age game, join us over at rocket50. We have the tools, resources and support to help you get the job you want and deserve!

Marie Jerusalem is the CEO and Founder of rocket50



