7 tips for effectively using solar panels
For beginners in solar energy, it seems like you have just purchased a solar device and paid all the fees. Although this idea is fundamentally correct, there are many techniques to manage solar panel systems in the most effective way possible.
Not only is obtaining the maximum amount of energy important, but finding ways to use it is equally important. For those who want to know how to deal with solar panels and all this sun, here are 7 simple tips.
1. Use high energy consuming appliances during the day
Usually, those connected to the commercial power grid will try to use the most energy consuming appliances at night, when electricity prices are lowest.
For solar panels, you need to do the opposite: solar panels generate the maximum amount of energy around noon, so this is the best time to turn on the washing machine or dryer. At night, the solar panels are almost useless, and the light reflected from the moon is hardly enough to keep your reading light on.
If you do most of the housework in the morning or late at night, you can adjust the solar panels so that they work together. In the United States, the best direction for solar panels is the south. If you turn them slightly to the west, you will get less energy, but more from the evening sunlight. Similarly, turning solar panels towards the east will enable them to generate more electricity in the morning.
2. Store unused energy for future use
Solar panels provide you with a continuous supply of electricity during the day, but usually you cannot use up all of it. Not everyone is at home during the day, and we definitely won’t use our devices all the time. This means that excess energy will only be wasted, and it may come in handy after dusk.
To save the electricity you get, it’s worth buying a battery to give you backup energy. If you decide to completely stop paying electricity bills and be independent of the commercial power grid, then a good battery is absolutely necessary.
For many years, lead-acid deep cycle batteries have been the standard choice for solar panel systems, but in the past few years, lithium-ion battery prices have fallen and shone brightly. And for all good reasons: they are more robust, more efficient, have a longer lifespan, and take up less space. Don’t forget, you also need a charging controller to protect your battery from the high voltage and overcharging effects of the solar panel.
3. Utilize summer to enhance
Due to the longer daylight hours and higher solar altitude in spring and summer, solar panels receive more sunlight and release more energy. On average, solar panel systems generate 40-50% more electricity from July to August than from November to December.
You absolutely cannot lose that energy, so why not run an communication unit on it? With this seasonal boost, you can usually install a small air conditioner at home without worrying about installing new solar panels to support it.
4. Check the performance of solar panels
Ensuring that your solar panels are functioning properly does not mean climbing onto the roof every few months. Although manufacturers recommend conducting a visual inspection of your solar cell array once a year, it is much easier to monitor its operation through special equipment such as charging controllers and inverters.
Sometimes they can be paired with your smartphone via Bluetooth to help you monitor your solar photovoltaic system 24/7. If the performance of your solar panel suddenly drops, you will be able to quickly detect it and take appropriate measures. The simplest reason for performance degradation is dirt, which reminds us of the next solar energy frontier.
5. Clean the solar panel every once in a while
If your solar panel is installed on the ground, it must be cleaned 2-3 times a year. If your solar panels are placed on a sloping roof, you can let rainwater handle them, but not forever: the dust on top of the solar panels will eventually turn into mud.
The exact frequency of cleaning solar panels depends on the area where you reside. To clean, you can call the special service department or clean it yourself. This is similar to washing windows, just don’t use soap: it leaves behind residue that reflects sunlight and collects dust and debris.
6. Consider energy-saving upgrades
To use solar energy more rationally, you can look for ways to reduce energy expenditure. Electricity bills or meters can help you find the most expensive appliances. Some of them are just outdated and consume more electricity than before.
Others can be replaced with more energy-efficient devices. For example, LEDs require less electricity than traditional incandescent bulbs, and air conditioning systems can be replaced with ceiling fans.
Home appliances also have the bad habit of using electricity even when in standby mode. On average, idle equipment accounts for 23% of annual residential electricity consumption in the United States.
However, constantly unplugging them can be annoying, so it’s worth spending some money on smart plugs. Overall, whether or not you have a solar panel system, saving energy in your home is a good idea – it can save you money and help combat global warming.
7. Come up with new ways to utilize solar energy
After replacing all energy consuming devices with modern ones, you may find that you have more energy than you originally needed. Here are some ideas on how to fully utilize it:
(1) Solar energy can be used in gardens. For example, you can use solar energy to operate an automatic sprinkler system to water plants.
(2) The solar panel system pairs well with electric vehicles. Electric vehicles require a large amount of energy, so it is almost impossible to charge them with additional things. But small things like scooters may just be suitable.
(3) Sell unused electricity to the commercial power grid. A special net metering program allows grid connected system owners to pump additional electricity back into the grid and receive rewards.
(4) Add another cold storage. If you have enough energy, you can install a second refrigerator or freezer to store supplies. You can also consider heat storage devices: boilers or even garden saunas.
The possibilities of innovation are endless, and coming up with new ideas to use additional solar energy has become a true pursuit.