7 - Teams: Cohesion is not about forcing

7 - Teams: Cohesion is not about forcing

Reflecting on what a group is allows us to improve the conditions that allow it to cohere and solidify as a team.

This edition is for #HR, #managers, #supervisors, #professors, and #teachers in general, for a simple reason: a group should not be forced to function as a team, because "every team is a group, but not every group can become a team".

It is common in elementary school to see the tendency to arbitrarily group students (by row, by dividing the classroom into geographical sectors, by ability, or by lottery) with the premise of teaching them to work as a team.

Yes. You have to learn to live with different personality types, because society has no mercy when it comes to demands.

However, when teaching how to survive and achieve group goals, it is a #mistake not to consider individual personal characteristics, as it can lead to involuntary #bullying and undermine the student's (or employee's) self-confidence.

There are often those who work better on their own and are discouraged by being told that they will have difficulty achieving, that they need to develop social skills, learn to work in a team, etc.

There are also those who, at a level of excellence, disappear or reduce the quality of their work in a group (I deliberately said group) and the causes of these changes are not investigated or it is interpreted (from some magic little book with all the answers) that one thing or another is happening to these students and they need to be corrected.

The same thing happens in the workplace because serial (non-personalized) hiring introduces noise into the organization because it does not take into account individual peculiarities.

This motivated us to develop our Ego-Functional Analysis service for companies, which, with the appropriate training, can also be applied to the school environment.

Every team is a cohesive human group that revolves around one key element: trust.

When a person is asked to forget themselves, they are also asked to expose themselves, to ignore their perceptions, and finally to trust. Obviously, there will be conflict, because among their peers there are usually those who are incompatible, or traitors, or parasites who take advantage of the more capable and weaken them.

It does not benefit the person, and even less the group, to force them to integrate, or to impose (for fear of dismissal) a process of coercive coaching that pushes them to their limits in order to... What? So they can discover themselves?

Remember that I am writing on the basis of OntoPsiquis?, which my colleague Dr. Claudia Cristina Behn-Eschenburg Schollenberger and I created, focusing on what is natural for each person.

If you prefer, you can also subscribe to the original version of this newsletter to read the articles in Spanish, by clicking on https://www.dhirubhai.net/build-relation/newsletter-follow?entityUrn=7279162648607244288

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We'll read each other in the next edition, with “The abnormality of the normal"

#dranibalsantoro #ontopsiquis #thinscen #HR consultancy, #inner #strengthening #coaching, #psychoanalytic #psychotherapy

Luján Creadora Método Aprende Espa?ol en Espa?ol Directora Parlamentaria Mundial de Argentina

Luján Creadora Método Aprende Espa?ol en Espa?ol (Sajoux) Directora Parlamentaria Mundial de Argentina

3 周

Que cierta que es tu frase: " todo equipo es un grupo, pero no todo grupo puede convertirse en un equipo ". Y qué importante sería tener siempre esto presente en todos los ámbitos de la vida...


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