7 Surprising Things Successful People Do Before 8 A.M
One of the key factors, which differentiate between successful and unsuccessful people is mornings. Highly successful people understand the importance of mornings. They understand that morning set the tone for their whole day. Wasted mornings mean wasted days. They use their first hours to prepare themselves to stay sharp, focused and positive throughout the day.
Here are 7 Key factors successful people incorporate to make their mornings RIGHT
#1: They Wake up Early:
Highly successful people have the surprising habit of waking up early. Different studies have shown that more than 90% executives wake up before 6 a.m. Majority of them waking up between 4 to 6 A.M. Waking up early helps you to set the tone for the rest of the day while prioritizing and FOCUSING on your most important projects.
#2: They Spare Time for Exercise:
If you want to perform at highest during the day you must prepare your body and mind at it's BEST.
Highly successful people spare time to get their body moving.
Here is what most successful people love for early morning exercise.
- They love to go for few miles jog.
- They love to go to gym for high intensity exercise.
- They love swimming to get their body moving.
- They love to walk in a park to fill their brains and body with oxygem.
Exercise helps to fill your body and brain with oxygen and get your heart pumping while sharpening your focus and concentration necessary to accomplish things faster.
#3: They Hydrate Their Body:
Your body gets dehydrated during full night’s sleep as a result you feel dizzy & woozy right after waking up. Highly successful people make it a habit to take water within few minutes of waking up to hydrate their body and getting ready to upcoming challenges.
Adding lemon and honey into the water also helps to skyrocket your energy throughout the day.
#4: They Eat Healthy Breakfast:
Your body needs fuel to work properly. Highly successful people take breakfasts which are full of vitamins, protein and fibers.
If you are in short of time you can also fuel your body which two hard-boiled eggs with soy sauce like twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey. Or you can take one egg of toast with avocado to energize your body like Clique Media CEO, Kathrine Power.
#5: They Clear Their Mind with Meditation:
Ultra successful people give very special attention to meditation. They spare 10-20 minutes to meditate. Meditation helps you to clear your mind, stay calm and get your creative juices flowing. And Ultimately helps to better accomplish the daily responsibilities.
#6: They Consciously Set the Positive State:
As you know your morning set the tone for your entire day. If you start your morning depressed, stressed and full of anxiety your whole day will be full of negativity.
Successful people consciously set the tone for their entire day to be positive. And they do it by reading something POSITIVE during the morning and get them in positive mood using this simple habit.
#7: They Understand the Power of Gratitude:
To take daily positivity to the next level highly effective people fill their mornings with the gratitude. They understand the power of the gratitude. And they express their gratitude by using various rituals.
- They maintain a gratitude journal and write 5 to 10 things they are truly grateful for every morning.
- They do gratitude practice while meditating. Deeply express gratitude for the things they love the MOST.
- They write 5 to 10 things in their gratitude journal and then say it aloud.
Another added advantage of gratitude is it helps to take your positivity to the next level and diminish the negative feelings throughout the day and helps you to maintain the attitude of optimism.
Here’s What To Do Next…
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