7 Surprising Health Benefits of CBD

7 Surprising Health Benefits of CBD

CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of the most abundant compounds in the cannabis plant. CBD oil used both internally and externally has become increasingly popular in recent years as more people become aware of its numerous health benefits. Although it relieves inflammation, combats neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, and even treats acne, many still wonder how it works and why it provides these effects. Here are seven surprising health benefits of CBD that will help clear up any confusion you may have surrounding this miracle compound!

1) Depression

Depression is a severe mental health condition that affects millions of people every year. If you're looking for a safe and natural alternative to traditional pharmaceuticals, CBD might be worth exploring. Compared to conventional antidepressants, CBD doesn't have any significant side effects. You can also use it in conjunction with conventional drugs and other forms of cannabis to treat depression.

In 2016, researchers at Northwestern University conducted a study on teens suffering from depression. Researchers gave some participants a 15mg/kg dose of CBD while others received either 75mg or 150mg of placebo medication; both groups then completed tasks testing their ability to regulate emotions and remain calm in response to stressful situations. Over time, those given CBD reported less activity in their limbic systems—the parts of our brain responsible for processing emotions like anxiety and fear.

2) Anxiety

CBD shows promise as an anti-anxiety treatment. A study published in Neurotherapeutics found that CBD significantly reduces subjective anxiety, leading investigators to conclude that CBD might be a promising treatment for reducing stress.

While much more research is needed to confirm these effects, CBD is an anti-anxiety drug safe for human consumption. Additionally, studies have shown that CBD can help treat severe anxiety in patients with social anxiety disorder. The mental health benefits of cannabinoids may be attributed to their ability to act as an allosteric modulator of the GABA A receptors.

*Please note: Cannabidiol should not be confused with its sister cannabinoid, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC has psychoactive properties and a high potential for abuse. Thus far, there hasn’t been any evidence showing cannabidiol can cause addiction or dependence.

3) Sleep disorders

One of CBD's most common and promising health benefits is relieving sleep disorders. The calming properties of CBD can help people fall asleep and stay asleep through an entire night, rather than waking up in a fit of restlessness or pain. In addition to helping people fall asleep more quickly, it also promotes deeper sleep, reduces daytime sleepiness, improves sleep quality and duration, lowers insomnia severity and pain, and relieves some conditions caused by overactive brains or erratic sleeping patterns like Narcolepsy.

Studies also show CBD oil users report better general health than non-users. This benefit applies across broad categories, including physical and mental wellness.

4) Arthritis

CBD has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, making it beneficial for arthritis. It inhibits an enzyme called FAAH that degrades natural endocannabinoids in your body, including anandamide.

Anandamide is a cannabinoid neurotransmitter that reduces pain by inhibiting inflammation. It also activates a receptor in your brain called TRPV1 that reduces pain. This combination of both blocking FAAH and activating TRPV1 helps relieve arthritis-related pain.

Interestingly, humans aren't even capable of producing their cannabinoids—we must consume them from external sources like hemp plants.

5) Epilepsy

CBD is increasingly gaining traction as a natural way to treat epilepsy. Several states have legalized CBD for use in epilepsy treatment in recent years, including pediatric seizure patients. As science advances our understanding of CBD's benefits and limitations, we can only hope that more states will follow legislation that allows CBD use as a medication for children experiencing seizures. But, for now, join us in spreading awareness about epilepsy and CBD's potential for reducing seizures.

CBD has also been proven effective at preventing heart disease from becoming fatal or debilitating; according to one study, 4 out of 5 heart failure patients were able to survive for at least two years after receiving high-dose CBD treatments.

6) Chronic pain

CBD can treat chronic pain without causing additional physical stress to your body. Because of its nonaddictive nature, CBD is an excellent addition to a treatment plan for patients suffering from chronic pain. In addition, it reduces inflammation, improving overall health even if you don't suffer from chronic pain.

However, if you do suffer from chronic pain, CBD is an excellent option for dealing with it without feeling nauseous or sick all day, like some other treatments can.

CBD doesn't just relieve pain; it also improves mood (as mentioned) and promotes cardiovascular health. Both cardiovascular disease and chronic pain are connected to inflammation in some way.

7) Skin Disorders

One of its benefits is a reduction in skin disorders. In addition, CBD can act as an antifungal, antiparasitic, and antibacterial agent, making it ideal for fighting off fungus, bacteria, and parasites.

Studies show that CBD oil might be an effective treatment for acne and rosacea. It's also good at reducing inflammation and alleviating skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis by affecting cell receptors involved in an inflammatory response.

Always look for companies with high standards when it comes to manufacturing. The hemp should be thoroughly tested during production. The site provides quality certificates and ensures no pesticides use. Read customer reviews that tell how people found relief from their symptoms.

In Conclusion

CBD is certainly not a miracle drug, but it has some proven health benefits and shows positive health effects when taken in controlled doses according to specific conditions.

If you're going to take CBD, talk with your doctor and do your research before trying anything new. You can gradually make changes while monitoring how they affect your overall health.

Many experts believe that the future will see great things for cannabis and CBD alike; if nothing else, we’re all counting on more positive results like these


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