7 Steps to Transform Your Finances in 2021
Charles Kelly BA CMgr FCMI
Property Investor, Wealth Coach, Podcaster, Author and Speaker.
Whatever New Year’s resolutions you make, set realistic, achievable goals and write them down!
Here are my 7 steps to transform your 2021:
1. Review your finances and start saving
2. Review your consumer debts and credit cards
3. Review you spending habits – Use the 3 R’s
4. Review your utility suppliers – energy and mobile phone
5. Review ISA and Pensions and use tax allowance
6. Review your Will and inheritance tax liability
7. Review Tax – have you submitted your tax return yet?
More articles and money news available at Money Tips Podcast - www.moneytipsdaily.com
· Coronavirus lockdown financial lesson
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· Tourist tax plan will wipe out jobs
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· Biggest economic decline in 300 years
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· Government borrowing will reach £394bn
· Average house prices reach an all time high
· Thousands trapped in unsellable leasehold flats
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· Why UK Property prices rising after stamp duty cut, despite the downturn?
· New planning rules will open up more opportunities to make money in property
· You can create a second income during the lockdown…and come out stronger
· Learn how to make money from property without deposits, mortgages or cash
Millions of people face a bleak future post-Coronavirus lockdown, as businesses disappear and the job furlough scheme eventually comes to an end. However, life doesn’t have to end because of lockdown! You can join thousands of ordinary people who have increased their income and added streams of new income during this period.
Are you ready to adapt to the new economic model?
As lockdown restrictions around the world are being eased, the economic model has subtly changed forever. How will you adapt to this new way of working and running a business, what obstacles and opportunities lies ahead? Will you be a participant or spectator in this revolution?
By Charles Kelly, Wealth Mentor, Property Investor, Author of Yes, Money Can Buy You Happiness and creator of Money Tips Podcast.
There are more examples and practical steps to getting rich and being happy in my book, Yes, money can buy happiness, I cover the 3 R’s of Money Management, the Money B.E.L.I.E.F System and much more. Check it out on Amazon https://bit.ly/2MoneyBook.
If you’d like further information on wealth mentoring and coaching, how to survive the crisis and even quit the rat race, email me at [email protected] or send me a message through Facebook or my Money Tips Daily community. See more articles at www.moneytipsdaily.com