7 Steps to Reduce Your Company's Impact on the Environment
In honor of Earth Day which will be on next Friday, we're sharing seven ways your company can reduce its environmental impact.
According to the latest IPCC report, humanity has less than 3 years to reverse the curve of greenhouse gas emissions if it wants to keep a livable world.
These tips will help you reduce energy consumption, recycle more efficiently, and make smarter choices about transportation and plastic use. By making small changes, your business can do its part to help the planet!
1) Reduce energy consumption:
When it comes to reducing your company's impact on the environment, every little bit helps. One of the easiest ways to reduce energy consumption and lower your carbon footprint is by switching to energy-efficient light bulbs. You can also install solar panels or invest in energy-efficient appliances.
By reducing your energy bills - gas, heating, electricity, and even air conditioning in the summer - you will also significantly reduce your carbon footprint. At the workplace, turn off computers and monitors at the end of the day, unplug phone chargers, and switch off lights. Setting devices to turn off after a long period of standby is one method to counteract forgetfulness.
Another great way to reduce your company's environmental impact is by encouraging employees to conserve energy. Small changes like these can make a big difference!?
2) Set up a kitchen area:
The second tip to reduce your company's environmental impact is by setting up a kitchen area. This can help reduce the amount of waste your company produces.
Indeed, stocking a kitchen with utensils, plates, and cups helps to reduce plastic packaging. Instead of purchasing wrapped meals, employees are more likely to bring their own food from home if they have a simple microwave. You can also encourage employees to bring their own reusable water bottles and coffee mugs from home. You can provide recycling bins for items like paper, plastic, and metal. In the kitchen, use eco-friendly dishwashing soap and avoid using disposables like paper towels. You can also compost food scraps and other organic waste. These simple changes can add up to a big difference for the environment!
3) Improve ways to recycle:
According to the 2020 key figures released by ADEME, businesses generated 63 million tonnes of garbage in 2017, a decline of 15% over ten years. We must redouble our efforts! The first step in reducing your organization's environmental impact is to set up special recycling garbage cans in the workplace. Make sure everything is clearly labeled and that your employees are aware of what goes where.?
In addition to the traditional paper, plastic, and metal recycling, there are now many other options. You can recycle electronics, batteries, light bulbs, printer cartridges, and more. You can also reduce your company's environmental impact by setting up a system for reuse. For example, you can encourage employees to donate unwanted office supplies or furniture to charity. Or you could set up a free library of books and magazines in the workplace. There are many ways to reduce your company's environmental impact - it just takes a little bit of creativity!
4) Consider alternative transportation:
If your employees live close to the workplace, encourage them to walk, bike, or take public transportation. If possible, offer bike storage or showers at the workplace. You could also consider telecommuting one or two days a week. This would reduce the number of cars on the road and help reduce your company's environmental impact.
Introducing a day when workers can ride to work is a great idea! Public transportation, such as the bus, subway, or vanpooling are excellent choices for those who live too far away. It's a good idea to provide transportation discounts so that your workers get into the habit of not using their automobiles all the time.
If your company provides parking for employees, consider offering a discount for those who carpool. You could also install electric vehicle charging stations.
Another way to reduce your company's environmental impact is to choose eco-friendly transportation options when traveling for business. When booking flights, look for airlines that offset their carbon emissions. You can also take the train or bus instead of flying whenever possible. And when renting a car, choose a hybrid or electric vehicle. These small changes can make a big difference to the environment!
5) STOP plastic:
Plastic is one of the biggest environmental problems we face today. Every year, millions of tons of plastic end up in our oceans, where it harms marine life. And the problem is only getting worse - by 2050, there could be more plastic than fish in the ocean!
To be exact, we produce 300 million tons of plastic waste: that's equal to the weight of all of humanity. In France, 4 billion coffee cups are disposed of each year, or 126 per second. Customizable water bottles and mugs can help you minimize plastic usage by providing your staff with reusable containers. Start by eliminating single-use items like straws, cups, and utensils.
In the office, use recycled paper and avoid using disposable dishes and utensils. When ordering supplies for the office, choose products that are made from recycled materials.
And when it comes to packaging, try to avoid using plastic. If you must use it, make sure it is recyclable. Small modifications can make a huge impact on the environment!
6) Reduce printing:
Reduce paper consumption by using internet services. Paper consumption is reduced when documents are scanned and shared over the internet via servers or email. PDFs are a great way to reduce paper usage. You can also reduce your company's environmental impact by using electronic signatures instead of paper ones. This saves time, money, and trees!
In the office, use both sides of the paper when printing. And when you're finished with a document, recycle it!
You can also reduce your company's environmental impact by using e-books instead of traditional books. E-books use less energy to produce and they don't require any trees to be cut down. They're also easy to transport - you can carry hundreds of them on a single device!
Consider changing your automatic settings to black and white and selecting two-sided printing if you must print. For those prints you can't live without, using recycled paper is a suitable compromise. It uses less energy and water to produce, and it generates fewer greenhouse gas emissions than virgin paper.
You can also buy recycled printer cartridges, which are available at most office supply stores. Using recycled printer cartridges helps reduce the amount of plastic and metals that end up in landfills.
When it comes to recycling, paper is one of the easiest materials to recycle. But before you recycle, make sure you've reduced and reused as much as possible! Consider investing in a multifunction printer that prints, scans, copies, and faxes. This will reduce the amount of office equipment you need and save energy.
7) Educate and empower your staff:
You can reduce your company's environmental impact by empowering your employees to make eco-friendly choices. Give them the resources they need to reduce their carbon footprints. And encourage them to recycle, compost, and reduce their water and energy usage.
Finally, lead by example! If you want your employees to be more environmentally responsible, you need to set the tone from the top. Practice what you preach and show them that it's important to you.
Make sure your workers are aware of your company's green policies and procedures. Information posters, meetings, and seminars are all effective methods to ensure that staff is made aware of the importance of these measures.
By following these simple tips, you can reduce your company's impact on the environment and do your part to protect our planet. Earth Day is the perfect time to start making changes that will have a lasting impact.
What will you do to reduce your company's environmental footprint? Do you have any suggestions for reducing your company's environmental impact?
We would love to hear from you in the comments below and be sure to celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd!?