7 Steps to Greatness!
Andre Young
Leadership & Work/Life Harmony Speaker, Author, Leadership Trainer, & Founder of You Evolving Now, LLC
“That’s how you be great!”… this is the quote that motivates me the most and echoes in my head when it’s time to step-up, perform, and make an impact in any area of my life or role I play. As a Pittsburgh Steelers fan, I am lucky the quote originated from an Ex-Steeler after making huge plays to win the Superbowl. Santonio Holmes, an ex-wide receiver on the 2008 team, made huge plays and did not shy away from “greatness” as he made one of the most prolific catches of all time to win the Superbowl. He was taped on the sideline yelling… “That’s how you be great!” and it continues to inspire me to this day. Whether your version of greatness is catching a ball for your team, initiating and completing that big project at work, that promotion, providing for or doing for your family… GREATNESS is available for YOU! However, many are scared to try for it… because they may fail. Many will avoid it… because of the consistent hard work and dedication. Many will say they don’t really care… because they or others don’t believe in them. And, some will avoid greatness… because of the pressure of living up to a new standard. If YOU are ready for greatness…motivated, tired of excuses, and willing… then keep reading as the 7 Steps is for YOU and your EVOLUTION!!!
Find Your Passion and your Why!
Rarely, is someone great at something they don’t have a passion for. It is possible, but wouldn’t be much fun. Find your passion, but also your WHY! What do you get out of your passion? How does it make you feel? What impact do you or can you have on others? Yes, the road greatness will be exhausting and demanding at times, but it should also be fun! Enjoy and celebrate your passion, your process, and your progress!
Greatness in your passion will require your willingness! You must be willing to do and sacrifice something that others won’t, in order to get to places others won’t. You may sacrifice your time, partying, more expensive things, or maybe even a relationship (due to poor timing). In the process of achieving greatness some of these things will be easy to give up, because you know with all of your heart you are destined to be more, do more, and impact the world! Other things may be harder to dismiss… at some point, you will have to stand your ground and explain to someone special (a friend, partner, boss) the importance and significance of your path. Compromises can be made, but not to the point that you ever sacrifice your dream and purpose… whether you become a multitasker, stay up later than everyone else, wake earlier than everyone else… YOUR GREATNESS must be serviced by YOU!
Knowledge is power! It is up to you to know your craft, inside and out! That catch by Santonio Holmes to win the Superbowl was not an accident. How many countless hours of practice, route running, catches, and studying with his quarterback did it really take to get to the point to make his performance in that game so legendary? Whatever your definition of greatness is… become a master of your craft. Competence creates confidence!
Potential will eventually mean nothing without proof! You may have all the potential and knowledge in the world… but the person that goes out and proves it at work, at home, or on the field or court will get the glory! Greatness will only be achieved by applying what you know and have practiced. Don’t be afraid to do and fail; the alternative is not doing at all or performing to the best of your ability due to fear… which will always lead to regret!
Dedication may sound redundant to the Application Step, but I promise it’s not. There are many “one-hit wonders” out there… in the music world, athletics, business, and in life. This is no slight to them… I’d rather be a “one-hit wonder” than a “no-hit wonder” and “one-hit wonders” get remembered! However, a taste of success and greatness can leave many feeling satisfied and resting on their laurels. Sometimes, it’s not failure that is scary… it’s success! Stay dedicated to your goal, dream, and greatness after you have succeeded. I don’t just want to sweep my wife off her feet on her birthday… I want to BE the best husband she could ever imagine. I don’t want to earn a few big deals with my company… I want to impact people’s lives to the point companies are searching for me. You don’t want to focus on doing something great… focus on BEING great!
Positive Mindset
It sure would be a shame to achieve our definition of greatness and success only to look back with memories of being stressed, frustrated, annoyed, tired, and miserable. Think about it… if you feel that way while trying to achieve it… what does your significant other, your kids, friends, co-workers, teammates, etc. feel? Greatness and triumph are exceptional feelings, but a whole lot better with other people there to enjoy them with you. Maintain a positive mindset as you get out of bed in the morning and when you retire in the evening. How do you stay positive during the day? What habits will you create to maintain positivity in your life. I have a mantra I say every morning getting out of bed… “I going to kick today’s butt!”. I say Happy whatever day it is to others throughout the day… reminding me to be happy and enjoy the beauty that every day has to offer. I also only follow positive people on social media… so when I scroll, it’s all positivity and beauty!
Do It!
There is no time like right now to start! Many will wait until they think the time is right to begin their process for greatness. Life moves fast and you never know what is waiting around the corner. Your definition of greatness can’t wait one more second! Whether you start big, small, lead, or baby-step… do it now, be consistent, and enjoy the process! Although you are chasing greatness… remember… YOU are already great! Revel in all the great and quirky that is YOU; as self-love will make the journey so much sweeter. Lastly… Marry your dream; not the path you think will take you there! Start your 7 Steps now and enjoy your EVOLUTION!!!
written by: Andre Young