7 Steps to the Destiny You Deserve

7 Steps to the Destiny You Deserve

There are days we feel helpless. We feel lost and incomplete. We feel stuck in a life we don’t want.

We feel frustrated because our dreams seem unreachable. We wake up, brush our teeth, take a shower, get dressed, and repeat the same old routine we have been on for ages.

These kinds of situations can cause you to feel anxious, depressed like you can never get ahead, and more.

But, why stay stuck in a job you hate, in a bad relationship, or living with what feels like never-ending financial stress, if your dream is to live your best life?

Living your best life means living a life that makes you happy and one that allows you to be at your full potential.

It means being intentional about the way you choose to live and living life on your terms. It means leveling up to be the best version of yourself that you can possibly be.

My mentor once told me “you don’t get out of bed to be average. You get out of bed to be amazing.”

However, many people are scared to make any real changes that lead to an amazing life.

When you wake up from the wrong side of the bed, you get your butt up and move to the other side.

You don’t wake you to be mediocre, so stop settling for less than awesome. And if you need help with getting started, these 7 steps will be your guide.

Live in a state of awareness

Think of your surroundings- your community, your home or office, and the people around you. Think about what you are wearing, what you are doing during the day or week.

Most importantly, think about how you feel. If you’re stuck in creating the life you dream of, try to examine the world around you. Meditation, writing, or walking can help you become aware of things happening around you.

Being aware of your environment helps you transcend fear-based reactions and make informed decisions that create the most positive impact on yourself and others.

Make a list of what you will sacrifice

What are you willing to give up to improve yourself?

Most people are comfortable living below average and yet they complain about being stuck in mediocre.

It is easier, and sometimes less painful, to stay in our comfort zones. But when you have no growth risk, there is rarely a reward.

In life, you have to lose something to gain something. Sacrifice is about prioritizing and disciplining ourselves because we don’t always have the space or time in our lives to accommodate everything we want.

If you really want that amazing life you dream of, you should be willing to spend less time with friends, TV shows, social media, hobbies, relationships, etc.

Those who want the best for you will surely understand that sometimes you have to prioritize other things.

Help others live their best?lives

Psychologists have shown that helping others also improves health and happiness. There is no better way to thrive than to help others thrive.

Helping doesn’t mean mowing their lawn or buying them lunch. It could be a gentle wave or a smile as you pass them.

Helping someone can be just listening to their problems, giving advice, and being there for them in difficult times.

Ultimately, the world is one. We are all together on this journey of life. A small act of kindness can go a long way.

You may not remember the faces of the people you helped, but they will remember your kindness forever.

Give more value than you?receive

By now you’ve probably heard the saying “A giver never lacks”. This is true.

I have experienced the reality of the proverb a number of times.

Whenever I visit the homeless shelter, I always receive favors the following week.

There is so much indescribable joy that comes from giving. And when you give, you’ll find that you actually receive more in return.

The more you pay attention to the people around you by taking a sincere interest in their lives and listening carefully when they talk to you, they will reward you by giving the same back to you.

Be clear about your?goals

Tom Steyer once said, “Clarity of vision is the key to achieving your objectives.”

When it comes to achieving anything in life, the first step that comes to mind is the “end goal.”

Setting a specific goal allows us to accurately visualize what needs to be done and how to achieve these goals.

You may need some structure to stay focused on your goals. This is where a new routine comes to play or you may need to eliminate tasks that are not productive for your purpose.

Whatever your routine is, stay committed to it. Small habits add up quickly, so stay intentional in your daily life.

Take pleasure in appreciating the things you?see

Nature increases brain function. Enjoying the view of nature will help your brain in more ways than one.

Walk around, sit in the park and read, or go for a hike in the mountains. Just being outdoors is good for you in so many ways.

It enhances creativity, helps you age better, makes you happier, and you may actually prefer outdoor exercise.

Plus, all the fresh air is a quick way to start your brain. A 20-minute walk outside can wake you up as much as a cup of coffee. So stop taking caffeine and go for a walk whenever you feel depressed.

Set a specific day for?you

Sometimes we just need our own space to sit and take stock of everything that is going on in our lives.

Studies show that our “me time” increases happiness, improves life satisfaction, and stress management. People who like spending time by themselves experience less depression.

Spending time alone can help you reconnect with how you feel and gain clarity on the things going on in your life.

Once you learn to embrace solitude, you can let go of any toxic or “filler” friendship. And you’ll learn how to make decisions without anyone’s help.

Closing thoughts

We only have one life to live, so be intentional about your environment and how it influences you.

Create a routine or break one, depending on how your performance to your current routine is.

Show yourself some self-respect, increase your well-being, help those around you, and give yourself a chance to live your best life.


About author

Jessey Anthony is a motivational speaker, fitness coach and relationship expert who helps people become confident in themselves in any challenges they face in life.?Sign up to my newsletter?& more cool stuff.

Connect with me on?Linkedin,?Twitter, and?Quora.

Christina iLczyszyn

Regultory Compliance Nerd ??

2 年

That sounds depressing ?? like stau you ass in bed of you dont bring it... idk... js... some days waki g up is tough...


