7 Steps to become PMP in 2024
7 Steps to become PMP

7 Steps to become PMP in 2024

Every day, I receive 20-30 contacts who could not pass the PMP exam.

When I talked to them, I found out that they took training from an organization with a great marketing team.

They clicked on the ads of that program provider, and after that, the marketing team was behind them.

They called them and gave them a lucrative offer.

They wanted to do #PMP, so they went for it. They enrolled in the program. First of all, training was boring. The trainer had no interest in teaching. He was there to get the job done.

Have you seen people who are only doing it because it's their job? Its like that, they just read out the stuff.

But why do they do it? The reason is very simple. Once training is done.

That is it for them. They do not have to bear any consequence of students failing in the exam. As a matter of fact they care less even if they never give exam.

I thought when I heard this about one company that is the case of one training organization. But as I get more students, I find it; it's normal. People provide training and then recommend going and reading this book; that it.

Has this happened to you? Do put in commenet. I would love to know your story.

When we started our training, I wanted to make a system where students are not just for training, but they are a community.

I have to tell you I am mid-child, which means I am too emotional. I would have erratic emotions. So i know PMP is vital for me and i know its important for you.

I started working on a program that will provide you with PMP training and ensure you cross the line.

The program we made is

7-Step PMP Program, which is based on my successful Coaching system.

It has 3 parts.

  • Pre-training
  • Training
  • Coaching.


Even before the class starts, we start sharing pre-training material to ensure. When you come to class. You are not starting from zero.

Let's say the class starts on 15 of Next month, and today is 16. For next month, before class starts, I will be sharing it with you daily to make sure you are on the right track.

This keeps on happening till the class starts. Now comes the training


I did a lot of research, went to multiple trainings online and offline, and iterated to make our training the best training program in the world.

I made a program of two weeks instead of one week 3-4 days of training.

I made it a 6-day training program on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

The benefit of these two weeks is that whatever doubt you have one week, you can ask next week. These two weeks also built the momentum needed to clear the pmp exam.

A case-based study was needed at the hour; we used different types of case-based studies. In Every live program. I try to bring new case-based studies and try to go into depth about them. We tried to reason and find out how we could improve those projects.

150 PMP Questions The PMP exam is all about solving PMP Questions, so we help students with 150 live questions for #PMP in it. When you solve 150 questions with us in 6 days, you are better equipped to move forward and solve any question in the exam.

Topis-wise assignment - In 6 days, in the first 3 days, we cover 50% of the topic, and in the next 5 days, you are given an assignment to cover every topic and do its root cause analysis.

Mindmap - Remembering material is impossible, but knowing the flow is critical for the exam. What we do is teach you to make a mind map. Once you have completed the PMP on one page, Everything else becomes easier.


Breakout room- We have recently added breakout room activities and i have to say this has helped us understand how to solve pmp questions in the best possible way

35 Pdus- I am PMI ATPInstructor, which means you get pre-approved PDUs for your application.

Application and Audit- I help you fill out the application and guide you if you are selected for the audit in the #PMP exam. Please note #Audit in #PMP exam are random.


Now, without any doubt, our training is the best in the world. But I don't compete with anyone in the training. What i compete is after training. All the training organizations stop doing anything after training.

My Coaching system starts after training.


1) Customized roadmap

I am a big believer in tailoring. Not everyone studies the same way, and each student needs a roadmap according to their requirements.

If someone can spend 4 hours a day, his roadmap should be different than if someone can spend only 30 minutes daily.

I will work with you to make sure you have a roadmap that works best for you.

2 Follow up

This is my trademark. I will follow up with you until you become PMP. My follow-up goes back to what I learned from my mother.

If something is important, it has to be followed.

Most people get busy in life and lose track. My Advice Is to make sure that you are on top of things and that everything you are doing is according to your plan.

In addition to that, my follow-up make sure your roadmap is updated on a weekly basis.

Only follow-up is worth the price of the program.

Premium Coaching call

Every week, we do 3 to 4 coaching calls, and the purpose of each coaching call is to ensure you master your question-solving ability. I'll make this very clear for you: No matter how much knowledge you have about PMP, it all comes down to one thing.

Can you solve situational questions in pmp exam with clock running?        

If you cannot solve, then you cannot do the questions in the exam, and you will fail. In this coaching call, we teach you how to solve questions, and I answer any questions that you may have about PMP.

We do it four times a week, and this ensures that every student knows how to solve PMP questions.

Master Mind Group

When I started doing PMP training, one of the things that I wanted to work on was building a community, and with the mastermind group, that has been possible for it. I have 1000+ students in my mastermind groups with 100+ certified #PMP 24/7 answering and helping you to ask questions.

You are having trouble. Some questions you do not understand are put in the mastermind group. Bingo, you get answers for it.

It's like a human chatbot for you.

It's a mastermind or expert available to you all the time.

Access to this mastermind is only possible by joining my complete program.

Best Simulator in Market

My Simulator consists of two parts

  • Question without timer: The goal here is to understand and focus on solving the question rather than on the timer.
  • Questions with timer - I will provide you with questions and explanations with a timer so that you can understand each question in the best possible way. We will have the following types of questions

  1. People Mocks 6 sets of 60 Questions
  2. Process Mocks 6 set of 60 Questions
  3. 180 Mocks 6 sets
  4. Random Mocks, 10 sets of 20, 15 set of 10, 30 QA 6 sets, 60 QA 11 sets

You can do math on how many questions you will get.

Pathway to PMP Book

You don't have to read any books, but if you want to read a book, my pathway to PMP will be enough for you. It is written in the simplest human form possible.

You can get a hardcover from Amazon or Kindle format.

PDF is also available now.

PMP Marathon

We will have 4 hours of question-and-answer sessions. In which we will solve questions made by recently certified #PMP we will solve it.

PMP in 2 hours

Two weeks after the training, we will have a session in which i will summarize the complete pmp for you. Here is a link for the last session to give you an idea.


Mastery Series

If you want to revise PMP, I will share my Mastery series quick 20-minute video on the subject.

Daily Shorts

If students have confused about some topic, i will make short videos to help them understand the topic.

Daily Question

We will share one question daily so that you can get into the momentum of solving questions.

Success Stories

I will record the successful journey of certified PMPs and will invite you to learn from them and ask direct questions to them. That is the best possible way to get an insight into the exam.

Here is a demo for you


Money Back Guarantee

If you still think you need assurance even after all this. My Program will be backed by a money-back guarantee.

God forbid if you fail when I give you, you can go ahead. I will pay your exam fees or keep coaching you.

So, have you heard enough to take your career to the next level?

Email: [email protected]

Mob: https://buy.stripe.com/dR6cPM1w3aMYfQY5kl


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