7 Sparkles Of Positivity

(The First in the Series-II of ‘The 7 Mavens of SOPs’)

By Dinesh P. Bhrushundi @ dbknowledgey

Profound Gratitudes from ???’the ?????’ for Great Response to Series-I and a grand welcome to Series-II of ‘The 7 Mavens of SOPs’As you know by now, ‘???’ is my initial and ‘?????’, a Marathi acronym for Friend, Philosopher and Guide, my humble role to ‘Sit Back and Give Back’, after 4 decades of career-cruise.Series Title: ‘7 Mavens of SOPs’ is expression for instilling some of my learnings as “seven propositions in sets of seven SOPs (norms)”, befitting the human mental capacity and attention span.

Abundant in saying but scarce in seeking, Positivitamin is essential for physical and psychological wellness and hence, the personal and professional welfare of every individual. These Seven Sparkles of Positivity, first part of the Series II, should brighten the path and enlighten the mind of the seeker.

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Sparkle Of Purpose: Goes a story of a visitor’s query of ‘what are you doing?’ to three persons cutting marble at a temple construction site and their respective answers: Dull- ‘I am earning my livelihood’; Disinterested- ‘I am cutting marble as instructed’ and Delightful- ‘I am making stairs for worshiper’s comfort’. Connecting to higher Purpose is core to Pursuit of Positivity. Get up with a purpose in the morning and it will sprinkle positivity through the day.

Sparkle Of Perspective: A writer in anguish once penned down his thoughtsOh God! Last year was so bad- Gall bladder surgery-long spell in hospital, 60 years of age to give up publisher’s job, painful loss of father; Son’s accident damaging the car and hospitalization for  weeks. His wife replaced the paper rewording it, “Last year was full of god’s blessings: Finally got rid of gall bladder after years of pain, turned 60 with sound health, got retired with lot of time now to write; father met his creator without being dependent and ill critically, car was destroyed in accident but my son got new life without any disability” It is the perspective that siphons the positivity out of predicament.

Sparkle Of P?P: This sparkle derives from the philosophy of influence of P-Physiology and P-Psychology on one another. A positive body posture induces a positive disposition which in turn stimulates positive bearing. Similarly a positive demeanour produces a positive appearance outside that strengthens positive attitude inside, and the cascade continues. One need to practice this sparkle by taking a positive stance or making a positive thought and continue this, till it spurs the positivity of overall personality.

Sparkle Of Privilege: A marvelous quote-”I cried and cursed the destiny because I had no shoes until I saw a man who had no feet, only to realize that my life is full of blessings, but I am blind to find them” illustrates this sparkle of Privilege. Craving for more is quite human but at the same time one’s gratefulness towards the privileged blessings of our prized possessions always sparkles the positivity.

Sparkle Of PleasureQ: Happiness, no doubt, injects positivity but it seeds from a habit of finding pleasure, then and there, in everything, even small things, one already possesses. It is said ‘today is the tomorrow that you dreamt about yesterday’. Through all the todays one works hard on what else to possess in future. Instead of becoming glad when ‘that’ future arrives, one becomes sad about ‘new’ future, and the mad chase continues. PleasureQ (Quotient) which equals, Finding Pleasure in existing Possessions, divided by, Finding New Possessions for Pleasure, suggests increasing the numerator and decreasing the denominator to spice-up positivity.

Sparkle Of People   : No one will disagree that surrounds play an important role in permeating positivity- ambience of course but the people around more. Thus identifying and interacting with positive people in one’s vicinity is vital to vanquish the negativity and nourish the positivity. Just try stopping for a while by such persons and exchanging smile, pleasantries- verbal or visual and a quick conversation to discover what wonders this Sparkle of People surround does to shower positivity.

Sparkle Of Principle?: This troika of principles of positivity always galvanizes one’s gloom into gleam: Parity: Almost all are born with equal fortune of wealth, wisdom and wellness. It is the way one perceives the gap between ‘As Is’ and ‘To be’ as a Problem or Opportunity, that sends the efforts into Winning’+’ or waning’-‘, Positivity of outlook then is a game changer.

Polarity: The law of conventional physics establishes that the similar polarities repel and opposites attract. In the New Thought philosophy, the law of attraction believes that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences to a person. Thus perpetual positive thinking is prerequisite for positive experience.

Plentifulness: The universe is so much PURNA or plentiful all around that it can create another PURNA and if you borrow PURNA from the PURNA what remains is also PURNA. Embracing this very viewpoint of abundance, that there is enough and more for everyone, instills plenty of positivity.

I am plenteously poised with positivity as I provide these “7Sparkles Of Positivity” to you all for your perusal, practice and prosperity.



